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creation kit wont be out till mid january


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My question is, why do people keep saying "they're fixing bugs in the CK" ? It's pretty obvious to me that when they say "you get the same exact tools the devs use" it means.. well, you get what they had - if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me (as it has been every TES installment so far). More likely is that right now they're integrating Steam into the CK, at least in my opinion.


It's not that their fixing bugs with the CK as some people believe, their integrating steamworks for ease of export and de-bugging skyrim. <-- also an opinion.

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The quotes from Bethesda already state that the mods uploaded to Steamworks will be free, no? And I highly doubt they would change that. I wonder what the purpose of the Nexus will be after that... Though, what I assume the reason behind this is is an eventual move to get mods on consoles, which they already said they would very much like to do. The way I see it, it will be a minimal change for PC gamers, and possibly a great improvement for console gamers.


They've always been good about mods in the past (One of the best companies for such things, really), and I am shocked by how many people are jumping to conclusions about whatever 'ulterior motives' Bethesda is supposed to have. Maybe they do, but I think that they are probably better than that, not to mention that they would likely earn as much if not more from having mods be free.

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The quotes from Bethesda already state that the mods uploaded to Steamworks will be free, no? And I highly doubt they would change that.


I'm not going to encourage fears because I don't believe they'll start charging for mods. However, this statement is much broader than you might think. Apple's marketing team used the same type of "trick" with the App Store.. "you can vote on your favorite apps and download them for free!" .. which is true, as long as your "favorite app" isn't one that has a cost related to it.



Though, what I assume the reason behind this is is an eventual move to get mods on consoles, which they already said they would very much like to do. The way I see it, it will be a minimal change for PC gamers, and possibly a great improvement for console gamers.


I doubt it. Steam has nothing to do with consoles as far as I know. For someone to say "Oh, we're going to take this company that has no experience with consoles and just .. bring them in for mods!" .. is a bit silly, I think. Not to mention that company has to be trusted by both Sony and Microsoft? My "silly" goes to "doubtful". I will not say that I'm doubtful that Bethesda wants to get mods to consoles, but I doubt they're going to do it via Steam and have a big ol' 4-some with 2 companies that have been at each others throats for years... and erm, 4-some in golf, pervert.


Many of us aren't 'jumping to conclusions', just wondering what's going on with all the Steam integration all of a sudden. It's not unlike humans to be curious or to speculate about things like this. Some people do take it too far, but for the most part we're just suspicious.

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Though, what I assume the reason behind this is is an eventual move to get mods on consoles, which they already said they would very much like to do. The way I see it, it will be a minimal change for PC gamers, and possibly a great improvement for console gamers.


I doubt it. Steam has nothing to do with consoles as far as I know......


Actually, Portal 2 uses Steam on the PS3. From what I've read the 360 has some pretty draconian restrictions regarding allowing user mods in games, but the PS3 does not. I'm not sure if what I read is valid, I can't even remember where it was, but if that is indeed the case I can see this leading to mods on the PS3 at the very least.

Edited by darkling23
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Actually, Portal 2 uses Steam on the PS3. From what I've read the 360 has some pretty draconian restrictions regarding allowing user mods in games, but the PS3 does not. I'm not sure if what I read is valid, I can't even remember where it was, but if that is indeed the case I can see this leading to mods on the PS3 at the very least.


Good info to know, thanks.

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