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New gaming pc parts suggestions

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I am planning on either buying or building a $500-$700 gaming pc soon. If I buy the pc, it will probably be from cyberpower.com. If I try to build the pc, I will get the parts from Newegg.com. I would like to know if anyone can give me a list of parts to build a gaming pc. I plan on upgrading whatever I buy or build in march of next year. I am new to building pcs, if possible, please provide a pc that is fairly easy to upgrade.


I would like one that can at least play Skyrim on medium.



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here is a list that you can use to compare yourself with:









this comes up to just slightly over $800 after shipping and whatnot.


if you wanna shave off some money, you could get a cheaper GPU for sure, and even a cheaper CPU as well like the AMD Phenom x4 955. a cheaper case, and even a cheaper less wattage PSU....basically you could go a little cheaper in every area (though the RAM would stay the same) and save urself prolly $100 overall. but this list should give you something to compare to.


i didnt include an HDD or Windows 7 cause im not sure if you have that from an old PC. if not, thats about another $200 for the both...on that note, anything you can salvage from an old PC like a PSU or Case, go for it (obviously)

Edited by hoofhearted4
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here is a list that you can use to compare yourself with:









this comes up to just slightly over $800 after shipping and whatnot.


if you wanna shave off some money, you could get a cheaper GPU for sure, and even a cheaper CPU as well like the AMD Phenom x4 955. a cheaper case, and even a cheaper less wattage PSU....basically you could go a little cheaper in every area (though the RAM would stay the same) and save urself prolly $100 overall. but this list should give you something to compare to.


i didnt include an HDD or Windows 7 cause im not sure if you have that from an old PC. if not, thats about another $200 for the both...on that note, anything you can salvage from an old PC like a PSU or Case, go for it (obviously)


Thank you! This should be able to help me a lot. I am trying to learn which cpus are compatible with which motherboards and it is confusing. I was hoping to go with an intel based build if I built a pc, not because I have a problem with AMD, I just figured that intels were easier to build. Plus I have heard great reviews on the i5-2500k. But I know that intels are probably higher in cost.


Does anyone know of a great custom pc building site that I can either buy from or do research on?

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ibuypower is a very common site that people buy prebuilt PCs from. you get to pick whats in it.


the reason i chose AMD over Intel for you was your budget. you have a lower budget for a gaming PC and Intel does cost a little bit more (both the CPU and the mobos)....the 2500k is in fact better then the 1100T in almost every way, however, unless your going to overclock it or put it under heavy load, you wont really notice the difference....personally, im building a build too (hopefully sometime around Spring) and ill be going with the 2500k, but my budget is a little bigger, and im going from scratch (monitor, keyboard, HDD, etc)



as for what motherboards go with what CPUs the only ones you need to know are:


AM3 goes for any AMD CPU from the Phenom (which is what i showed you) and before.

AM3+ goes for the latest AMD CPU called Zambezi (aka Bulldozer) and future AMD CPUs that havent come out yet

LGA 1155 goes for Intel Sandy Bridge (ie i5-2500k) and Ivy Bridge (which will be out next year)..P67 and Z68 are what to look for.

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ibuypower is a very common site that people buy prebuilt PCs from. you get to pick whats in it.


the reason i chose AMD over Intel for you was your budget. you have a lower budget for a gaming PC and Intel does cost a little bit more (both the CPU and the mobos)....the 2500k is in fact better then the 1100T in almost every way, however, unless your going to overclock it or put it under heavy load, you wont really notice the difference....personally, im building a build too (hopefully sometime around Spring) and ill be going with the 2500k, but my budget is a little bigger, and im going from scratch (monitor, keyboard, HDD, etc)



as for what motherboards go with what CPUs the only ones you need to know are:


AM3 goes for any AMD CPU from the Phenom (which is what i showed you) and before.

AM3+ goes for the latest AMD CPU called Zambezi (aka Bulldozer) and future AMD CPUs that havent come out yet

LGA 1155 goes for Intel Sandy Bridge (ie i5-2500k) and Ivy Bridge (which will be out next year)..P67 and Z68 are what to look for.


Thank you for the information of compatibilities. If I were to buy an AM3+ motherboard, would it support an AM3 or earlier CPU? And if I were to buy an LGA 1155 motherboard, would it support earlier CPUs?

The reason I ask is that I am trying my best to configure a pc that is as future proof as my budget will allow.


Sorry for all the questions. :biggrin:

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an AM3+ board will support earlier AMD CPUs however an LGA 1155 only supports the Sandy/Ivy Bridge CPUs, nothing earlier (and possibly nothing later) though Ivy Bridge hasnt come out yet, and even still, a 2500k will last quite a long time.


so yes, if your going AMD, buy an AM3+ board. even if you get say the 1100T now, you could upgrade it later.

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an AM3+ board will support earlier AMD CPUs however an LGA 1155 only supports the Sandy/Ivy Bridge CPUs, nothing earlier (and possibly nothing later) though Ivy Bridge hasnt come out yet, and even still, a 2500k will last quite a long time.


so yes, if your going AMD, buy an AM3+ board. even if you get say the 1100T now, you could upgrade it later.


Can you recommend a great AM3+ motherboard? I will cut corners on all other parts to get a great motherboard.

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one of the better AM3+ boards out there at a very reasonable price. Asus is also one of the best mobo manufacturers out there, so ya.




a cheaper version of the above mobo. ASRock is still a very popular mobo manufacturer. this mobo is very similar to the above one, just with some fewer ports (but who uses all 10 USB ports lol)


and there are plenty more. Crosshair V is another popular one, Fatal1ty another.

Edited by hoofhearted4
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one of the better AM3+ boards out there at a very reasonable price. Asus is also one of the best mobo manufacturers out there, so ya.




a cheaper version of the above mobo. ASRock is still a very popular mobo manufacturer. this mobo is very similar to the above one, just with some fewer ports (but who uses all 10 USB ports lol)


and there are plenty more. Crosshair V is another popular one, Fatal1ty another.


OK, I have my build(I think), I'll be going with the sabertooth 990fx and other parts you suggested. Thank you very much for your help!!!!

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