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Trouble with Quest Script


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ScriptName GasserQuestSCRIPT 

short bSuiteAvailable; (8_26_10) Added to allow the Companions to be "Fired" to the Lucky 38 if Mr. House was never talked to. -ETB
; (10_1_10) Adding comment to force esp to be rebuilt/added to post-release esms. -ETB

; Critter in party - Only one critter can be in the party at any given time.
short bCritterInParty;

; Gasser variables
int GasserHired			; 0 = Not in party, 1 = In party
int GasserAvailable		; 0 = Rex cannot be hired, 1 = Rex can be hired
int GasserFired				; 0 = Rex has not been fired, 1 = Rex was fired
short bGasserL38;
short bGasserDead

short nRecruited;

short	bPlayerHasFollower;
short nCurrentFollowers;
float	fFollowerWaitingLeaveDay;
float   fCurrentDay

BEGIN GameMode

if ( bPlayerHasFollower == 1 )

	; Gasser
	if GasserREF.Waiting == 1

		set fCurrentDay to GameDaysPassed

		if (fFollowerWaitingLeaveDay <= fCurrentDay)
			if GasserREF.GetInSameCell Player == 0
				set GasserHired to 0
				set GasserFired to 1
				set GasserQuest.bGasserL38 to 0
				set GasserREF.Waiting to 0
				GasserREF.RemoveFromFaction FollowerFaction
				GasserREF.SetAV Assistance 0
				GasserREF.SetPlayerTeammate 0
				set GasserQuest.bCritterInParty to 0

				GasserREF.removeperk CompanionSuite

				ShowMessage FollowerMessageLeaveGasser

				GasserREF.MoveTo GasserHomeMarker

				set GasserQuest.nCurrentFollowers to (GasserQuest.nCurrentFollowers - 1)

				if GasserQuest.nCurrentFollowers == 0
				     set GasserQuest.bPlayerHasFollower to 0

				set fFollowerWaitingLeaveDay to 0




This is the code for my ghost harvester companion, Gasser. I templated it from the VNPCFollowers script.


The nerve-wracking problem is that the GECK won't accept it.



Can anyone help?

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This is the code for my ghost harvester companion, Gasser. I templated it from the VNPCFollowers script.


The nerve-wracking problem is that the GECK won't accept it.



Can anyone help?


Don't get your hopes up (I can't get it to work), but I'm pretty sure you're missing an "endif" at the end (I count 5 "if"s, but only 4 "endif"s). As I said though, I tried putting that in quickly and it still wouldn't work. But I figured I'd let you know anyway, since otherwise you might stumble across a fix to it, but it won't work because you're missing that last endif. Good luck with it :)

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