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Companions using their crappy old weapons?!


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ok, i spend a lot of time polishing up some great armor and nice new weapons and give them to my follower. all goes well for a while then at some point i look behind me and my dumb follower has started using his trusty old bow instead of the upgraded ebony bow i gave him. i can take the weapon away, give it back and he will equip it, then later the same thing, out with the crap! anyone know why this is?
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had a similar issue with my archer companions but then removed all staffs, bows, and arrows so they use just swords. Seem to work good so far, after several hours. :thumbsup:
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Strange, that hasnt happened to me before with weapons, i have same issue with armor. Damnit Lydia cant you see i made that ebony armor just for YOU so you wouldnt die within 2 seconds of combat?
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If you are on the pc you can use the console to remove your companions bow so they will be forced to use the one you give them.


go into first person

open the console with ` or ~

click on your companion and type inv

it will bring up the item ids of all they are carrying

take the id of the bow and type removeitem itemid 1

that should work :thumbsup:

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My companion, Kharjo the Khajiit (that I got him as a companion after talking to him outside of Riften and completing his misc. quest to find his Moon Amulet), is having some real issues. Even after trying many times to remove his Steel Plate Armor, Gauntlets, and Boots I'm having no luck. I typed in inv and saw the codes, then typed in removeitem 0001395B 1 for example. It worked for his crap Hunting Bow, fortunately, but not for his apparel. He still has all three pieces. It will show Kharjo without the pieces, but when I close the console they come back. I then do it all over again, inv shows that the stupid things are back again. What the? Now that's an aggressive system!


I don't want Kharjo weighed down SO much by armor that will be superseded by Ebony/Dragon/Daedric. It's lame and silly. Is there a mod that removes this problem, so that no matter what the follower came with, it will be in their inventory to be removed...even to the extend of having a nekkid kitteh running around?

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