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The Rebel outfit by L0rd0fWar


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I know the rebel outfit is no longer available due to Bethesda.net & the thieving tw*ts

But i still have the file's for it and i was just wondering if anyone could contact L0rd0fWar and get the permission to re-upload it and do some updates for clipping issues & make variations for it

(as most are just camouflage re-textures)

It is the only version of the rebel outfit that i like and i have no clue how to make variations or update it a little to eliminate some clipping as i have no experience with modding of any type (only installing).

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He has said before that he has no problems with people sharing the files privately with their friends, but he has no intentions of allowing people to publish them publicly anywhere except on some Chinese and Russian sites he gave personal permission to. There is a thread here where he talk to some people about the whole situation. If this answer doesn't cut it for you though, you could just message him here on the Nexus yourself.


Source: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4475975-what-happened-to-the-rebel-by-l0rd0fwar/page-5&do=findComment&comment=41480350

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