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What is "Snap to Workshop Grid"?


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There are two components to workshop grid snapping in Fallout 4. As you've mentioned, it's disabled by default, but can be an incredibly useful feature.


(For those interested, the relevant setting is bWorkshopEnableGridBasedSnapping in the Workshop section)


The first component is rotational snapping. The default snap angle is 45 degrees. This automatically takes into account surrounding workshop objects and lets you orient an object perfectly with respect to another.





The second component is the actual "grid-snapping" component. However, most of the time, this is not visible, because the default snap-point snap behavior is a lot more likely to happen way before your object gets close enough to snap onto the grid created by another object. It can be evidently observed if you turn default snapping off so that grid-snap can do its work.


You can see it happening at 0:35 in the following video:


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