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Help needed with agressive guards


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Hey guys, recently I joined up with the Legion in the city of Solitude, while doing the first mission I was also sent back to Solitude to do one of the Dark Brotherhood Missions where you assassinate the Emperor. Ever since then the guards have been permanently aggressive. I tried yielding my weapon, using "player.setcrimegold xxx <id>" but to no avail, they will not cease to attack me. Was just curious if anyone has encountered this bug or has an idea of how to fix it or make the console command work.


Whenever I do "player.setcrimegold 0 <id>" it leaves the bounty at I believe what is 40 currently.

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Hey guys, recently I joined up with the Legion in the city of Solitude, while doing the first mission I was also sent back to Solitude to do one of the Dark Brotherhood Missions where you assassinate the Emperor. Ever since then the guards have been permanently aggressive. I tried yielding my weapon, using "player.setcrimegold xxx <id>" but to no avail, they will not cease to attack me. Was just curious if anyone has encountered this bug or has an idea of how to fix it or make the console command work.


Whenever I do "player.setcrimegold 0 <id>" it leaves the bounty at I believe what is 40 currently.


Have you tried simply paying the bounty/going to jail?

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Sometimes when the guards are after me and still continue to attack me after I yield my weapons. The best way to solve this is to take out your weapons and kill 1 or 2 guards and then yielding my weapons and the guards will then ask me to pay bounty or go to jail.
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Have you tried simply paying the bounty/going to jail?

I'm looking for the same answer because my bounty is almost 10,000

regardless of the gold amount, the setcrimegold command does not work and I hate googling it to be brought here to a thread where people are just posing the obvious alternates instead of something useful.

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