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How to tell if NPC is a follower


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Do like the Game Does, Relationship <= 0 No Follower Dialogue. Relationship >= 1 Follower Dialogue



OnInit relationship = 0

On Quest Complete relationship = 1


or condition GetPlayerTeammate == 1 or GetInFaction == CurrentFollowersFaction depending on your needs


remember about == 0 or != 1 too


Guess giving a Hint To Help Yourself is Not Good Enough So

Function SetRelationshipRank(Actor akOther, int aiRank) native

In Dailogue with Ria use has Script Fragment

akSpeaker.SetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer(), 1)

Follower Options should Appear


While that seems like a nifty way to make someone a follower prematurely, I'm not currently interested in doing so. The basis of what I'm working on assumes that the player is far enough in the story that the follower options will be unlocked naturally.


Thanks for the example though!




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