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Mod Request/Help Request - Cambridge and National Guard


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Hello all:



So I've had a few ideas of mods that might be well received in the game but have only just started getting into armor and texture modding, I am sure there are a lot of experienced persons which are using this forum to discuss ideas for mods and getting them implemented. While I'm in the learning process I was hoping to get some help for some more basic stuff which would benefit what I plan to produce into the game through re-textures and other means.




Cambridge Police Station Workbench - There is the power armor workbench here, but aside from that it doesn't let you build anything I tried using the placeatme command to spawn a workbench just to see the radius and whatnot, but I get the clear area bug even in TGM and killall to clear the enemies. It would be good to have this, even with a limited workbench, so that it could be used an an outpost for us BoS enthusiasts. I figure if there were a way to place it right outside the garage that would be perfect. (Still not sure on object placement through the mod tools or I'd do it myself) I figure there'd likely be a way to make it at the very least a more defended outpost (Turrets and etc).




National Guard Training Facility - Same idea as the request above, this is one I've been interested in doing but can think of several problems, the respawn for the feral ghouls, and the turrets could cause a problem with trying to build anything especially considering they come back. I made my first mod as an ACU pattern army fatigue with the idea of starting back up the National Guard via a questline or something along those lines. I figure it could be neat to attempt to make a lore friendly way of doing this, and maybe even provision NPCs that would patrol the surrounding area, be equipped with lower tier combat armor and army fatigues. Not sure if anyone else has thought of this, but I think it's worth a shot. I plan on doing further re-textures of the combat armor to match the same theme.




Coast Guard Facility - I know this place is crawling with supermutants, but the US Coast Guard is another supplement of the Reserve forces in the US who uses both Navy and ACU pattern military uniforms. Would also make a good place for a working settlement/rally point for military types in the wasteland.


Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


Thanks for your time, TheArk

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Cambridge Police Station - I like the idea of being able to upgrade this. Similar to Boston Airport in terms of it being used by BoS enthusiasts. It seems that the biggest obsticle here is the scripting, and spawning a workbench via console commands won't cut it, so I suggest copying and pasting the work bench script for Boston Airport in the CK. This would need to be tweaked obviously, however given that you dont need to clear Boston Airport, perhaps adding a condition that the workbench will go live after completion of Sempa Invictus, given that you're made an official BoS member after that.


National Guard Training Facility - This is interesting, I support any mod that deals with pre-war Military. The de-facto National Guard is the Minutemen, followed by BoS who are operate more like an Army Air Corps. They just need a Naval branch now. Recruiting new members to the Nat Guard would be a challenge in terms of lore, only people who embrace pre war America and have sufficient incentive would join. Perhaps disgruntled Minutemen who are fed up with lack of training and/or equipment, or Gunner members who suddenly grow a conscience. That i'll leave up to you.


On the technical side of this Nat Guard, you would have to remove the radiant quests, npc spawn points and turrets, or atleast make the turrets non hostile to neutral wastelanders. Also you would have to move along that woman from the Silver Shroud quest who hides out in the Nat Guard facility, maybe even edit the bounty for her that mentions she's hiding there if you want to be thorough. As for the BoS Knight (Varham?), I think she disappears several days after the completion of Lost Patrol, so having the completion of that quest as a quest condition to start yours might be worth considering.


The Coast Guard base should be a piece of piss, using the same method as the Police Station, as long as you don't edit the terminals or the Eddie Winter holotape. You could even let the National Guard take that one over, or have a joint BoS/Nat Guard task force stationed there.


Hope these suggestions help, i'll let you know if I think of some more.

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