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Getting paid to mod? Great! Paying for mods? Ohh....



216 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you pay for mods?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • Only if it is extremely cheap.
    • I refuse to pay, but would donate.
  2. 2. Would you want to charge for your mods?

    • Yes, I put a ton of hard work into them and receive little in return.
    • No, I am just glad that people enjoy my mods.
    • I would rather accept donations from satisfied gamers.

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And PC sales keep a game going well after the console players have moved onto the next shiny thing. Wish I could find that article that Arthmoor linked where it disputed that PC sales were in the minority anyway...


It suits Bethesda to have people think they're supporting the PC out of the goodness of their heart, its their excuse for half arsed ports and the general poor quality of their PC versions. EA aren't throwing millions at Origin for fun, PC gaming is healthier than it has been for many years. I cringe when I read posts from cretinous fanboys who excuse Bethesdas shoddy work on the grounds that they don't have to make a PC version, with no Sony/Microsoft tax and a large percentage of direct downloads there is plenty of profit to be made from the platform.


QFT. If they didn't make money with PC games they wouldn't bother with PC versions.


PC and console are indeed different markets. Console users want ease of use and some of them are casual gamers. PC gamers tend to take videogames more seriously and the core of the community is made of PC gamers who will stick to a game like Skyrim for years instead of moving on after "beating the game" like more casual players.


I think that the focus on consoles is also a ploy to boost sales (and I'm not even taking into consideration games that are only available on one platform -I'm pretty sure that some games haven't been released for the PC for that very reason or that the delay between console versions and the PC version is yet another way to sell more consoles). Especially when considering that console games are more expensive than PC games. It would be interesting to find out how many posters here have bought the same games for several platforms in the last few years.


For years we've been told that PC gaming is either dead or dying and that song is getting really old.

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For years we've been told that PC gaming is either dead or dying and that song is getting really old.


Truth. I recently blasted a hapless manager at a local supermarket for using that as a justification for said supermarket not stocking PC games. I said "Helloooooo, so if that's the case can you please tell me how Overclockers.co.uk and other such firms are doing such a roaring trade in gaming related PC parts?".

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Didn't read all 7 pages. Too tired atm, will read later. Apologies if I said the same thing others have. (Or something that doesn't make sense.)


Would you pay for mods?


Why the heck would I pay for a mod? Mods are suppose to be free! Look at Minecraft for example. I don't see people charging for mods.

I'm technically a modder myself, (Making a mod for NV, but isn't done) but I wouldn't feel right to charge people for using my mod. (look ^)


Would you want to charge for your mods?

2-No, I am just glad that people enjoy my mods.

Although donating is an option, it would help out a lot of people. But I doubt modders can make a living off donations.

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Modding is a hobby !


that should solve the problem.


Like the vote above where it says "yes i put some hard work etc..."

Hard Work ?


If you consider it as working you should stop modding.


I passed several nights makin my little mods (little i said ) but never consider it as a task or hard work, i so f***in enjoying it, tryin stuffs testing new tricks inventing new techniques and to share your mods and see what people think of it , that is the payment for me.

Life is not just about money, there are always evil persons that hate what's free and tries to sell anything, even the air we're breathing if they could.

If modders want to get paid they should make a complete new game and sell it, i dont wanna hear the word "money" when it comes to hobby stuff like modding or making cards castles or else, that' all i have to say about it.

Edited by MonsterMonkey
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Would i like to get paid for my work, yeah sure.

is modding my job, no, do i have to work at making mods, yes

Do i want people to have to pay for my mods. No.


I'm on board for donating, it's good for modders and mod users. I'm not opposed to a satisfied player tossing some cash in a modder's direction after they download their mod and enjoy it.


Oh and PC gaming isn't dying, at the least it's going to be the everlasting system that brings in a good flow of money (for longer too since people are more likely to get an older game on their PC where they can download it rather than go out and find a copy) , unlike consoles which need to be replaced every few years but bring in more money.


Why would you pay when you can torrent/make your own stuff?


A majority of people can't make their own complex mods, simple stuff sure, but not the more complex stuff and after doing so those people might want to then make cash from it which puts others in the same boat.


comes to hobby stuff like modding or making cards castles


I lol'd at that comparison.

Edited by RenownedWolfman
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I voted "no" on all accounts, mainly because when money gets involved then all creativity stops in the modding community. I've seen this happen before in the NWN1/2 community and even seen modders extort votes for updates or bug fixes. I can't imagine the mess that would happen with money changing hands for modding.


What if I'm not satisfied with the mod? Do I get my money back? What if there is damage to my system? Who is liable? You can say "use at your own risk" until you are blue in the face, but the truth is, that does not hold up in court. In America, as soon as money changes hands, there are contract obligations for services that can be disputed in court. Anyone want to be the first modder to be sued for misrepresentation for a casual hobby? Think it wouldn't happen...think again.


$$ for Mods is a BAD idea all around. Keep it free, keep it simple, keep it fun.

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If mods were EVER charged for, I'd take no shame in pirating them. The great thing about them is that they are labours of love and that no one gets paid for making them, something which makes the work all the more impressive.


Adding money into the equation would change that but, if donations were made optional if one liked the mod, then I could perhaps see something like that doing rather well.

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