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The Creation Kit


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When i heard that it has been announced to be released within January, my reaction was disgust. I find that the Beth team knew it would take that long to produce the Creation Kit, they knew over 30% of the PC community would have not purchased the game our would have waited. I think what they did is both sick and disgusting towards the consumers and the series. The Bethesda corporation has lost my money for any releases EVER in the future. I will never buy one single product from their arsenal ever again.

I posted a similar thread on the beth forums, removed in less than one minute.

I was banned for this post on the Beth Forum


Who's with me?

Edited by theseducer235
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When i heard that it has been announced to be released within January, my reaction was disgust. I find that the Beth team knew it would take that long to produce the Creation Kit, they knew over 30% of the PC community would have not purchased the game our would have waited. I think what they did is both sick and disgusting towards the consumers and the series. The Bethesda corporation has lost my money for any releases EVER in the future. I will never buy one single product from their arsenal ever again.

I posted a similar thread on the beth forums, removed in less than one minute.


Who's with me?


Should be happy that:

1. They actually give us a creation kit

2. They've given us a release period


Or are you forgetting the sheer size of the game your wanting the mod tools for? Not to mention they're already working on DLC behind the scenes. Give them a break; they just made the favourite for Game of the Year, when it's got to compete with the likes of Battlefield 3 and the constantly over-rated CoD. So be happy that you know when it's coming; stop getting so pissy, and it's not in the remote bit "disgusting" they don't even have to give us mod tools if they don't want.

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Given the way that things have been going for Bethesda, I'm interpreting this as them wanting to iron out things in the CK so we don't have another exhaustive bug list. So... A mixed reaction here.


I'm glad they want to make it better, I just hope they do make it better and don't mess up for a third time (Or fourth, depending on the incremental patch next week...)

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I understand your disillusionment.


I think it comes from having once really respected Bethesda. They always gave us buggy games on release...it's part of their charm. :) But they always released a free CK and we knew we could always rely on free mods, animated discussion, and the ability to tweak the game to our heart's content in the privacy of our own homes without any invasive software involved. That was why we loved them! That was what made them distinctive!


Enter Steam.


With the advent of Skyrim, suddenly how we played the game wasn't up to us anymore. Suddenly there loomed the possibility of corporate control over our mods, or our ability to mod. Suddenly, we get patches that don't fix anything while the company concentrates on satisfying their XBox players, who are a transient fanbase anyway.


I think that more and more of us are getting disillusioned (some for different reasons) and it makes me feel good to know I'm not the only one. I love Bethesda's games thus far (even Skyrim...the game itself, I mean) but I've lost my respect for the company that made them. I won't be buying any more of their games, either.


There's a few other companies that, to my knowledge at least, still support modders in the same way Beth did in the old days. They'll have all my business now. :)

Edited by LadyAubrie
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I'm disappointed that it's taking a long time. It's definitely frustrating, and they were a bit of a cocktease in saying they wanted to release soon after launch if they had to no plan to.


But to refuse from buying past, current, and future products because of a 2-month waiting period before they give us professional-level modding tools [which they could very well not release, name me one other company that releases their development tools]... that's just idiotic. It's like kicking your girlfriend out of your apartment after a crazy evening of sex because she ordered pizza after you were done, rather than before. I mean, how rude of her.

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I'm with the OP in "assuming" that perhaps Beth knew they weren't going to make it in time for the game release or even soon after. However from a marketing standpoint, acknowledging early on (as in the early days following initial release) that the CK would take over a month to release could negatively impact opinions, which could be viewed as bad publicity. It's not too much of a stretch to imagine that there may be a lot people who are mainly interested in the game's modularity (or modability if you prefer) that would've opted to wait had they known that it would take so long to release the CK, especially with all the previous hype about how the CK was going to be released with the game. In fact. I myself would've waited. All the previous Bethesda games I bought from Morrowind, Oblivion, to Fallout were bought not because of the product itself, but because of what the modding community would eventually turn it into.


I can't really say I blame Bethesda though. I'm not disgusted by it. From their point of view, it is probably the reasonable thing to do especially if they were trying to maintain high sales momentum. I do disagree however, with the notion that we should be appreciative of them because they really "didn't have to" release a modding kit at all. Beth games have built a solid community based on it's strong modding roots. Modding has become synonymous with every Bethesda games. It is something that I think every customer expect and are thus entitled to when they purchase Beth's products. Should Beth one day ruin this fundamental expectation by not providing modding support, they should do so at their own risk. But I doubt they ever will cause it would be betraying not only the fans but also what they stood for up till now. So, I'm disappointed but still optimistic. For now we should just be patient.

Edited by Edmond Dantes
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I'm with the OP in "assuming" that perhaps Beth knew they weren't going to make it in time for the game release or even soon after. However from a marketing standpoint, acknowledging early on (as in the early days following initial release) that the CK would take over a month to release could negatively impact opinions, which could be viewed as bad publicity. It's not too much of a stretch to imagine that there may be a lot people who are mainly interested in the game's modularity (or modability if you prefer) that would've opted to wait had they known that it would take so long to release the CK, especially with all the previous hype about how the CK was going to be released with the game. In fact. I myself would've waited. All the previous Bethesda games I bought from Morrowing, Oblivion, to Fallout were bought not because of the product itself, but because of what the modding community would eventually turn it into.


I can't really say I blame Bethesda though. I'm not disgusted by it. From their point of view, it is probably the reasonable thing to do especially if they were trying to maintain high sales momentum. I do disagree however, with the notion that we should be appreciative of them because they really "didn't have to" release a modding kit at all. Beth games have built a solid community based on it's strong modding roots. Modding has become synonymous with every Bethesda games. It is something that I think every customer expect and are thus entitled to when they purchase Beth's products. Should Beth one day ruin this fundamental expectation by not providing modding support, they should do so at their own risk. But I doubt they ever will cause it would be betraying not only the fans but also what they stood for up till now. So, I'm disappointed but still optimistic. For now we should just be patient.


Sure. But keep in mind that they aren't the first company to do it. EA released "the Body Shop" with the Sims 2 (which opened the door for modding, and they've always supported a modding community that made everything from buildings to clothes to hair to you name it) and Paradox has a thriving modding community full of hardcore loyal modders that they fully support. Even BLIZZARD supports modding, and releases map editors and stuff with their games (albeit no support for modding anything other than maps).


I'd have waited to buy the game too...that's what I got it for...I thought I was gonna be making houses two weeks in. But let no one assume that Bethesda is the only company that supports modders in the way they do. There's plenty of others. And I think this is one of the points I was getting at: we loved Bethesda because they were BETHESDA and not EA or Blizzard. But now with the corporate marketing tactics they're using, they're starting to look a lot more like their mainstream competition, telling you how to play your game. And I don't know about you, but that's what I grew to hate so much about Blizzard. I thought more highly of Bethesda than that.


And I don't know about everyone else, but it's not the wait that's got me bothered. I'm happy to wait longer for a smoother, more ironed-out piece of technology to make everything easier and better. Great! It's this integration with Steam and all this talk of charging for mods (as opposed to donations, which I'm happy to make...and I know Beth isn't the one that's talking about that, but being in bed with Steam can lead to all kinds of nasty things) has me freaked out.


I'm sorry if I offend anyone with my sentiments. >.>;;

Edited by LadyAubrie
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Unfortunately, these kind of product lives and dies with a tool like the Creation Kit, customization is the true key to commercial success here. So it was already with Morrowind some ten years ago. But now you're dealing with ZeniMax Media Inc on the matter and not only with Bethesda Softworks. And that means short term money for the sellers and less if not almost nothing for the money on the trained customer side. Though vanilla gamers might see things totally different, no doubt.
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I'm disappointed that it's taking a long time. It's definitely frustrating, and they were a bit of a cocktease in saying they wanted to release soon after launch if they had to no plan to.


But to refuse from buying past, current, and future products because of a 2-month waiting period before they give us professional-level modding tools [which they could very well not release, name me one other company that releases their development tools]... that's just idiotic. It's like kicking your girlfriend out of your apartment after a crazy evening of sex because she ordered pizza after you were done, rather than before. I mean, how rude of her.



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When i heard that it has been announced to be released within January, my reaction was disgust. I find that the Beth team knew it would take that long to produce the Creation Kit, they knew over 30% of the PC community would have not purchased the game our would have waited. I think what they did is both sick and disgusting towards the consumers and the series. The Bethesda corporation has lost my money for any releases EVER in the future. I will never buy one single product from their arsenal ever again.

I posted a similar thread on the beth forums, removed in less than one minute.


Who's with me?


You are a baby, not a victim

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