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Sealing Wax & Seal


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I think I probably can do that. I am stuck on the cooking spit handle though. I'm going to need some help. For some reason, it refuses to rotate along the normal axis, so nothing I do to put it back on the center is working. It seems to still have this really big presence, and the handle doesn't want to meet up with it, even after I deleted that collision and I have no idea why. Is there any way someone could make it behave better? I'm still only getting to know nifskope.


I had been toying with the various mace handles before, so while I was trying to figure out the cooking spit, I did this one. Idk how I feel about it, but figured I'd show you both, just in case. I have discovered that I can do separate selections, with varying normal map heights, in the same image. So, that way I can crank up the height for the seal image, but not make the rest of the metal look super textured along with it. That was why I had the super smooth, solid color going on,but now I can reduce that to only the image, which I would expect to be polished anyway.


I think it will look ok on that crank handle, if you can help me tame it. :)







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I'm really not sure what's wrong with it; I've started a new thread for it in the troubleshooting forum. I apologize; this is generally what happens when I attempt to hack Blender or Nifskope things on my own. I'll let you know if anything develops; in the meantime, I'll try to work with the collisions you originally sent me.


That second handle looks really awesome actually, and overall these stamps/seals are looking super cool.

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Thanks. If you both like the Dwemer mace handle, I'll start focusing on the seal itself. I've got a couple, if you want them ahead of time, ninja. If you'll pm me an email, I'll send them as I get them done, so you have a chance to test and all.


Jess, Once done with the holds and the flat image Septim dragon, I'll try some letters.

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I think I fixed the handle! See if it's behaving now.




Also, I tried to put the DwemerBase.nif into Blender to maybe actually cut the top part of the mace off, except that something weird is going on, where if I delete the BSLightingShaderProperty blocks -- which I have to, or else Blender won't import it; I have to re-add them after export -- it makes the mesh disappear and become unusable in both Nifskope and Blender. I don't know why that's happening, so for now I can't edit the mesh. Normally I should be able to delete everything except the BSFadeNode, the NiTriShapes, and the NiTriShapeData and have the mesh still viable for Blender.

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