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Just wondering If load order is causing crashes used MODWATCH


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GPU: Sapphire 3GB GDDR5

CPU: AMD 8370 8 core Liquid cooled

RAM: 16 GB

SSD 1tb Samsung 850 EV0 is where game is installed

SSD 250gb Kingstone is where mods are installed using mod organizer


Operating System: Windows 10

Followed countless wiki's/guides/ may have forgotten half the s*** since its been a year or so since I came back to modding skyrim. currently trying out this guide https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3249514-help-always-crashing-15min-after-launching-skyrim;-maybe-skse/


Progress following new guide: downloaded 3.10 mod organizer archive and replaced mod organizer 3.11 and works as it shows 3.10 in about section. can't find keyboard process mentioned and already have appropriate administration access via skyrim installed in c/Games/ect steam bla bla so steps ignored. Ran game for 43 minutes traveling to different locations with no crashing and simply exited the game to fall asleep, experiencing black and white flickering at odd times/using heavily scripted mod like hydra shot from elyees along with tempest.



ENB: Real Vision

Crash Fixes installed

Loot used during every launch test

Wrye Bash patch used and Updated each launch test

used tes5edit cleaning per instructions and did it correctly, game running of cleaned original vanilla game works perfectly fine so that is not the issue.


Did tons of ini editing you can check if a f***ed up something via modwatch link below


Issue: Everything works fine for a good 20 minutes before crashing due to unknown reason that crash fixes does not explain along with debug logging through skyrim ini editing. Testing load order on clean save, clean meaning downloaded off of nexus reliable vanilla save http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/27357/. Been fighting to get all these mods to work with each other for months and using clean tested save each time and did not save over it meaning I load the default save every test. I removed several mods that fixed several issues and have constantly updated mods. I use several massive and extensive texture mods that run perfectly fine with just those and vanilla game installed so textures are not the problem I figured out.


I Used modwat UPDATED


Edited by stealthfury
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AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp<---duplicate already in amidianborn content addon

Differently Ebony.esp<---duplicate already in amidianborn content addon

aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp<---duplicate already in amidianborn content addon

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"Did tons of ini editing you can check if a f***ed up something via modwatch link below"



Delete ini files in My Document just to sure you haven't edited those too. With Steam launch the Launcher to get Vanilla .ini files. Copy and paste from My Doc to MO Profile, then use the Real Vision "RV_INIeditor" that It. No Other changes to .ini files please. Baby Steps... Get the foundation right first. Then, think about your load order.


"that crash fixes does not explain along with debug logging through skyrim ini editing."


The papyrus log is a papyrus log, it's not a crash log. Also it uses System Resources better suited to use by Skyrim, to help prevent crashing. Just Saying.

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:happy: Thanks project579, getting rid of duplicates, did not know that was a merged file of other amidian born mods despite reading its read me. looking through the guides you suggested for the 4th time to see what I missed. I want to use alternate start but every time I do some quests and other mods just s*** all over themselves and don't work due to relying on scripts from one another and the progress of vanilla game.


:happy: Thanks peterMartyr Im resetting ini's to see if that is a problem, was thinking about doing that earlier this morning

Edited by stealthfury
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