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MCM/oHuD options not saving


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I have a couple of UI type mods that won't save their settings between games: CASM and FPS Weapon Wheel. Any changes that I make to their config only last for that game session. They reset to the default when starting the next session. All of my other MCM stuff save changes correctly.


Any idea what could be causing that?

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Where do you have your Steam installed? If under the default "C:\Program Files" tree location, please read the "Installing Games on Windows Vista+" article in my signature, and move it.


Otherwise, read the "HUD-UI-Menu Issues" article and see if it helps.




Steam is installed C:\Program Files but I have all my games (including New Vegas) installed to other drives.


I do think I have discovered the issue though- I'm using Mod Organizer and the .ini file for CASM is sitting in my Overwrite folder instead of the CASM module itself for some reason. Making a separate mod for the overwrite folder content solved the problem.


That brings me to another question- My saves are taking probably 1-2 seconds at a time now, freezing the game in the process. This wasn't happening at the beginning of the game. The game is installed to an SSD and the save file size is only 4MB. Is that pause during saving normal?

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Good to hear you worked out the problem.


The pause for saving is typical. (Actually 1-2 secs is fast, but that's the SSD I'm sure.) A "full save" takes longer than a "quick save" because it is more complete in the information it is writing out. The more you play the game, the more data it has to gather and keep track of. At 300+ hours my saves now take up a combined (".fos" and ".nvse") 17MB each. So, expect it to take longer in the future, but not significantly in your case.



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My assumption (and use) has always been that a "quick save" is only good for as long as you remain in the same cell during the same game session. Actually I try to only reload a qsave while standing in exactly the same spot; though desperate circumstances can call for desperate measures. Never had a problem with one following that principle across several Bethesda games. Anything else: only a full save is guaranteed "safe" (assuming you are not using the built-in FNV "auto-save" feature, which corrupts). Plenty of reports of problems from others trying to play from only qsaves to support this theory. But it is only a theory.


Have fun playing.



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