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Skyrim CTD upon starting a new game


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After recently buying skyrim, i "may" have gotten too excited installing mods, and now I can't start a new game without it CTD'ing, I'd like some help figuring out if I can salvage the game, or if I should put it out of it's misery and just clean install


Laptop specs:

Intel core i7-5500U @ 2.40GHz

8GB system RAM

Nvidia Geforce 820M

128MB Video Ram

599GB Free Space

I have all the DLCs, and I am using LOOT,TES5Edit,Wrye Bash, Latest version os SKSE and NMM, if that helps on anything.

If I'm missing anything else just tell me, I'll provide the necessary changes


Any help is appreciated, and pardon my English, since I'm not a native speaker


Load Order:


Edited by Venomousdragon567
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You really have a lot of mods for being a beginner start from loading half of them and see if the game launches. Do you know how to use TES5Edit (i mean create patches and not only clean mods)?

Edited by Project579
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Good opportunity to learn how to use TES5Edit, if it emulate the StartUp crash you are missing a master & it will tell you what Master is Missing & what Mod Requires It. If TES5Edit loads the Mods you have a problem with load order or ini files so refresh the ini files by delete them & use Steam Launcher to generate new ones.


IMPORTANT do not mess with ini files, keep changes to a minimum & DON"T enable Papyrus logging It NOT a crash log. It a Papyrus Modder Log. Yes I noticed


To enable Crash Logging use a SKSE.ini




The order that you install mods is important too so adding that last mod can break the Game back. Rule of Thumb but NOT Gospel is It Should Be the same Order as LOOT


Cheers & Welcome to the Community



Disabling Mods & reinstalling following LOOT order can SOMETIMES fix it, not guarantee tho, but every little bit helps.

Edited by PeterMartyr
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