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Easy way to get custom npc to jump down from ledge


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I need for an npc to jump down a fairly low ledge onto the ground below but can't seem to find examples of this in the game. Is there an easy way to do this ? Is navmeshing to join those surfaces enough ? Or is there some trick ?

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You were right: it was about the edges of the navmesh. I selected the upper edge, and then the lower edge (edge of the navmeshed zone below the drop point) pressed 'p' and pink boxes showed up. In game it worked beautifully. One annoying detail--I think I have to re-add the drop down markers every time I finalize the navmesh: meaning, if I add more navmesh in my cell, I'll have to re-register the drop-down edges. Not a big deal in my case where there is just one in the entire cell.

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