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editing Character height and bodyscale via racemennu -> bad aiming accuracy


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I wanted to make my woman char have 0.8/1 height while legs are a lil longer (changed 1->2 for calf and thigh scale)

melee fighting have no problem but arrows are fired from wrong direction while in 3rd person view. (its accurate in 1st person view)

any idea for fixing it please

is this a famous issue with height editing?

I don't like all chars have almost same height except for kids.

Edited by ckhong87
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you could have used something like Height Adjusted Races ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7587 ) to make every race have a different height.... Anyway it's really possible that the aiming in 3rd person is going to stay broken you can try using something like Customizable Camera ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37347 ) to move the 3rd person camera and see if that helps.

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