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One of the reasons that Skyrim has such Low Res Textures


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The PC at the very least should have a Steam tool which lets you choose an option of Bit type .exe i.e 32bit-64bit

They don't really even need a Steam tool, you don't launch immediately through the main Skyrim app anyways, you lauch through the Skyrim Launcher app (the one with "Play, Options, Data Files, Tech Support, Exit"). They could so very easily make it so you have two choices there, that let you launch from either a 32bit or 64bit app.


The ground work is already there, Bethesda just has to step-up.

Edited by TheOutlander
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Why should Beth spend time and resources producing these things (64 bit executable, higher rez textures, etc.) instead of bug squashing, future content, etc., when the PC audience only represents about %13-%20 of their customers at most? That would be really, really dumb from a business perspective.


The reason you have these lower rez textures, the reduction in total armor pieces, and things like that is because Beth was trying to fit the max amount of stuff into the game that a 2gb executable could handle. And they were doing that because their real money maker comes from the x-box primarily, and ps3 second.


Really sucks for us PC users, but that's the reality of it. Luckily they are willing to spend time to release modding tools to us so that we can improve upon these things ourselves.

Edited by stars2heaven
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the reason is simple CONSOLES.




It's sad really. Apparently a console is superior to a PC...Oh and it stops piracy (lol) - it's like people think consoles were BEFORE PCs...


A console is definitely not a severely limited PC hooked up to a TV with a RSI-inducing controller...


I have bought many of Bethesda's games for PC and loved them all. I just wish the PC crowd wasn't so shunned with these awful console related limitations. We should be given a high-end game, not a low-end console edition ported over... After all, we were here first... Oh well.

Edited by Jakeo
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The fact that we were limited by the consoles. Enough said.


Also, the meshes and textures in Oblivion were crap. Almost no good textures, just potos. Lacking specularity and the fact the meshes were split where the UVW is, which is a waste of polygons to the millions.

I suspect some of it still hangs again here.


Though I doubt they go "lazy" because they can, but because they are under harsh time constrain.


I still blame it on the damn outdated consoles. Consoles in general are outdated. Get a XBox controller or a PS3 controller, and you got your favourite console on your pc! For the same price! You can even change pieces every nth year and get it for cheaper than soon-to-be-outdated-consoles.

Bleh, I hate consoles, yet I own all 3 of them, and a gameboy .. and a PsP.... I am such a hypocrit!

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I bet if Bethseda guys even test thei games out they test it with an xbox! Bet they have like only started it once with PC and saw that "ok it started just fine, it's ok to sell it now"!

This is why most PC-gamers hate consoles!


How would we feel if they would decide to make all food sold to us in a form of baby food! Canned and all mashed up with no spices. People would start to hate baby food, which would be wrong!


Is it that hard to make the devs work on 2 versions at once? The money shouldn't be an issue, if u look at the sales!

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Well unlike most of you, I think this is easily one of the best games ever. I have a friend who plays on the big X machine, and he loves it. I didn't think I could play it on my laptop. Its just a year old now, don't you know. Though it turns out I can play it easy on the default settings. I think it looks really good too.


I go back the the other games in this series and remember how the beauty mods really helped the characters look good, and then I see the beauty mods for this game, and look at the before and after pictures, and I see basically the same picture, and I wonder what the creator of that mod is complaining about. I also wonder what they have done as it appears they've done nothing. This game looks beautiful. Save the mods for things that help gameplay like a bag of holding mod or something.

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