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Calling All Tweakers, Looking For: FOV ini Tweaks


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Hey folks,

Im wondering if anyone kindly has a list of FOV tweaks for the ini files please. Or, knows a way to disable/change the FOV switch(auto 'view' zoom-out) when sprinting, and/or in werewolf form. The reason for, I play a werewolf character, and the FOV change during 'Beast Form' is a bit nauseating, everytime you stop, and start moving the FOV keeps changing back and forth and its kind of ruining the gameplay for me. So, if anyone could be kind enough to lend a hand with this I would be very grateful.


I also have an animation tweak on SkyrimNexus for werewolves, for running on all-fours (like the sprint animation) and it would also benefit this mod greatly, So anyone who finds the solution I will include in the mod description, and credit them completely for it.


Thanks for taking the time to read this.


I have tried:

  • fFOV=xx
  • fDefaultFOV=xx
  • fDefaultWorldFOV=xx




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