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Temper and Craft Dawnguard Sleeveless Armors


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I'm looking for some help tempering the sleeveless Dawnguard armors. It would be cool to make them craftable too, but so far I have consoled them in, but I can't temper the sleeveless versions. My creation Kit will not open Dawngard.esp, so is there anyone willing to help me out on this?

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Make these edits to your SkyrimEditor.ini file then you should be able to load any of the DLC in the Creation Kit.


SResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Update.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, Hearthfires.bsa, Dragonborn.bsa

If the entry is there, edit it accordingly. If the entry is not there, add it.

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