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Weird Glitch - Need Help


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So I recently decided to clean up my mods and reinstall them all to make sure everything was still running smoothly. After a couple hours of installing them all manually, I got them working. It's down to this weird glitch I encountered where a warning told me that the value " bfloatpointrendertarget" in the prefs ini was set to 0 rather than 1. It wouldn't go away so I went in and changed it. When I re entered my game, my Lakeview Manor I worked so hard to build was now invisible when I spawned. I changed the value back to 0 and it was visible again albeit the glaring warning was now back. Any ideas what's up? I don't think it's my load order as LOOT is pretty solid at ordering now and I'm pretty sure I installed all my mods correctly, taking into account compatibility. I attached my load order and a shot of the manor (from the entrance) with bfloatpointrendertarget = 1 (the one where bfloatpointrendertarget = 0 was too big but it shows the manor from the entrance into the dining hall). Any help or suggestions on mods that are typically installed incorrectly would be awesome.

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I'm using Real Vision with the ENB series wrapper files from the ENB site (Skyrim v0279). I'm alright with mods and what not but don't normally use ENBs so I'm a little shaky on getting them to work right or troubleshooting them. I might just uninstall the ENB if nothing comes up in searches or messing around with stuff and use lighting/weather mods

Edited by Obellisk9
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