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No more one piece suits


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So, one thing that sort of frustrates me a little bit is that there is a one uniform for your entire body (minus hands and feet).


Most games have a sort of chest piece, a leggings sort of pants area, shoes, hands, helm, etc....


Would it be too difficult to break apart the body and have this common format? Maybe I want to wear armored leggings and go shirtless, or have some leather trousers under my robe, etc...


Thoughts? (would also give an extra item to enchant considering you can only have one ring on..which is lame)

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I would definitely go for this. I was a bit miffed that they decided to go with the Fallout method of Head, Body, Weapons (although we at least get Gauntlet and Boot sections too); my main character in Oblivion seemed mildly vestiphobic (that's an actual term, look it up, yo) in that he spent much of his time plonking about in naught but boots and greaves (sometimes gauntlets). It was something of a machismo act to go charging into a fight weaponless and bare-chested, screaming defiance while punching things until they stopped resembling what they were beforehand.


Then he became Demented and clad himself permanently from head to toe, hiding his face behind a purloined Mask of Order. (Some say he was horribly disfigured. In truth, he suffered from the Vampire Face Change bug and I was playing on a console at the time and couldn't fix it. ...so, yeah, horribly disfigured.)


Now in Skyrim you can do the same thing, but only if you have one specific form of Fur Armor! ...and the punches are lackluster, but that's another argument. We don't need to go all Morrowind and have left hand, right hand, left shoulder, right shoulder, et cetera (although that'd be awesome), but dissemblance of armor sets would be greatly appreciated. If memory serves, in Oblivion some clothing mods worked around the fact that the game had extra "equip slots" for certain things, such as using the Tail or Amulet slots for cloaks, or using the Ring slot to put claws on a character; until we get the CK, we can't know for certain how many "slots" there are for equipment, and as such whether it's entirely possible to dismantle sets into their respective pieces.


I wanna make a barechested barbarian with a battleaxe without being relegated to just a fur buttflap in combat.

Edited by mindinavoid
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Hopefully they had the good sense to just put in random slots for people (eye left, eye right, etc) and let the modders make use of it if they want.


in secondlife, they finally clued in that slots are a good thing, so now you have upper leg, lower leg, foot, etc etc etc...let the people decide what they want.


What I am asking isn't really earth shattering...and frankly, it should have been done. if you saw the body in half, not only do you get more variation, you also allow for more texture quality per area (high res shirt/tunic, and a medium res pair of trousers).


Lets see, creation kit coming out in janurary...hmm..I think I am going to stop putting things that are impossible to do until it comes out...until it comes out

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I can imagine that the hardest part of this, by far, would be dealing with customized outfits. Some mods would wind up a full one-piece mesh set, others would be just parts and pieces; if the game is told by a mod to see any vanilla outfit as being multi-part, but someone releases a remodel that changes the shape of that armor in default one-piece form, users would (theoretically) have to choose between the two unless the modder could be arsed to multi-part her creation. I can't imagine there would be an way to make an automated process to take existing meshes and textures and break them down into parts without going well into Full Time Job territory, anyway.

Yes, I know programmers can be frightening sometimes, and someone would no doubt find a way to make the aforementioned process on a weekend programming binge. Hush.


That, again, assumes armors are a single mesh (and I assume quite a lot, all the dang time). If the game can tell that, say, this pauldron is from the Steel set and that chestpiece is Orcish without needing separate categories for chest, shoulder, waist, et cetera, it may be as simple as changing the apparel codes to tell the game what part of a mesh is used. That said, I'm veering waaaay off into hypothetical territory, what with my relative lack of coding knowledge (I'm but a dabbler) and Skyrim knowledge therein.

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Something i would like to see was way back in Daggerfall you could have clothing and armour. This looked especially good with the system of mixing and matching pieces of armour. You could have a breastplate for protection and see your cool shirt sleeves and collar or whatever sticking out around it, or you could have a cape or a cloak over the top of your armour and if I remember right the different areas of the world had different weather that had a chance to make you sick if you say..walked around a snowy area all month with no shirt on like have the gear in the game now makes you do.
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