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CBBE completely broken


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So recently this problem has been happening, have tried reinstalling Skyrim twice, removing and reinstalling CBBE yet I still get no "CBBE Morphs" tab in RaceMenu or the body even appearing on my character, plus this weird racemenu error I've been getting for the past year but ignoring it. Would be greatly appreciated if somebody could help me with this as it completely breaks the game for me, cheers :smile:










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Have you tried loading in the loose scripts?


edit: I should be more specific..the loose files for Racemenu

Cheers for the reply man, how on earth do I do that hahaha


Edit: I figured it out, you are an absolute lifesaver mate thank you :) I just need to figure out how to get the sliders working now I can finally see the Morphs tab

Edited by sniperz47
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Have you tried loading in the loose scripts?


edit: I should be more specific..the loose files for Racemenu

Cheers for the reply man, how on earth do I do that hahaha


Edit: I figured it out, you are an absolute lifesaver mate thank you :smile: I just need to figure out how to get the sliders working now I can finally see the Morphs tab


Well I am glad it all sort of worked? I hate to say this but you might need to just start over with all of it. I have had happen pretty much your issue and loading in the loose scripts cured it all for me. Here is hoping you can get everything working!!

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