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Skyrim needs your Votes!!!!


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500+ bugs, a patch that sneaked in DRM and then another patch that broke more than it fixed, I don't think they deserve to win anything.


Quite so. I am on the mailing list for a number of polls voting for best game yadda yadda, Skyrim won't be getting mine.

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Guys if you love Skyrim as much as I do please goto g4tv.com and vote in this weekends deathmatch.


Its Skyrim vs Skyward Sword and due to nintendo fanboy sites rushing to zeldas aid Skyrim is holding on by 1% with no help from any fan sites.


I came here to reach out to the people that are a true part of the elderscrolls community to help Skyrim get the Goty nod it deserves.


Help us fight the good fight!!!!





To me, it sounds like you are putting Nintendo fans in a negative light because they are supporting the games they enjoy. Just what in the hell do you think you are doing now? Not being a fanboy for Skyrim?


Skyrim is a great game and all, but Skyward Sword is better (according to me.) It's a complete game that doesn't require community involvement to make it good, it's got a great story that has taken a step-up from the typical story of the Zelda series and the actual gameplay is pretty unique. Now, I enjoyed the hell out of Skyrim and put in well over a hundred hours, but I just got more satisfaction from completing Skyward Sword. I still think Skyrim is a fantastic game, though. It just needs a lot of help right now.

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