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EFF and Importance


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If you mean the module checkbox in the EFF MCM menu (the same page as nicknames, outfit, etc. checkboxes), I am not sure. You can try toggling it and checking, maybe?


Followers Die

Important = Essential


Maybe. Importance is the level of protection for the actor, and even if the actor were important, it could still be either protected or essential. So even if an actor is important, it does not necessarily mean it is essential (or even protected). An essential or protected actor might not necessarily be important, either. But usually yes... :ermm:


From the wiki: http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Category:Actor

  • Essential actors cannot be killed. When they reach 0 health, they go into a special "bleedout" state and recover over time.
  • Protected actors are treated as essential to all damage except that delivered by the player. The player is the only one allowed to kill a Protected actor.

And normal actors will just die.


EFF offers the option to make followers essential, protected or set the state to "default" (which could either mean the state of the actor base or the normal non-protected state, I have not checked). I think the question was what would happen if a setting in EFF would be toggled, a setting that is related to importance definitions. And I think it might be the module toggle thingies that are in the gameplay page of the MCM menu.


If someone knows what the "default" option in EFF menu actually means (is it normal bandit-level non-protected "default" or is it the actor's original "default" status?), feel free to enlighten me. And I would also love to hear what happens when toggling those checkboxes. Every day is a new opportunity to learn something new. :smile:

Edited by Contrathetix
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