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I've been hoping for non-respawning containers..


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I've been wanting this mod for a while. It's for non-respawning containers in houses. I'd like it so that all containers in houses don't respawn, but dungeon containers still do.


I miss this because in Morrowind, I always killed one house owner in my favorite town, and stole their house. Probably unappealing to you lot, but it always made me happy to be able to choose my favorite house. xP


So if anyone knows of, or can make a mod that allows containers to respawn in dungeons, but not in houses, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know.

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Stock items: In these circumstances, I would assume it means the items that started in said containers.

Scripted Items: They're simply items that have some kind of nonstandard effect. For example, the Mortar and Pestle in the first dungeon that updates the tutorial quest telling you about alchemy when you pick it up is a scripted item.

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