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Please Help... So Frustrated.


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So, because the creation kit would not work, I decided to uninstall and then re-install it. Bethesda.net Launcher crashes everytime I try to install it. I've tried running it as admin, adding it to AVG exceptions, running it in compatibility mode. Crash. Every time.


Please help.

Edited by RS13
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Make sure you have removed every last file/folder associated with the kit, I think I had a similar problem.


If that doesn't work, perhaps it is possible for someone to upload it separately for you (not sure on policies here)? I would but I am just goimg to bed and on mobile. You can pull the Creation Kit folder out and then uninstall Bethesda.Crasher and manually install it yourself.

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I wound up fixing this problem by uninstalling the launcher and re-installing it. But ultimately that didn't fix the creation kit. (It still refuses to recognize that FonixData.cdf is installed in the exact place it says it should be installed.)

Edited by RS13
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