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Am I imagining this framerate issue?


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I am running Skyrim smoothly enough with a Radeon HD6870 and Fraps tells me I have a pretty consistent 40+ framerate both inside dungeons and out in the wilds. However panning the camera sideways always gives an apparently stuttery/juddery effect that is wearing on the eyes and I would swear is a vastly reduced framerate. Except that Fraps shows no reduction in framerate at all. Quickshot 101 posted a useful comparison video <here> for low-ultra settings to discuss textures and draw distances and in it you can see an example of what I mean. When he scrolls sideways, even on low settings it's not a smooth scroll at all. I guess it's not just me then. Any suggestions?

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Disable Mouse Acceleration in the SkyrimPrefs.ini


You can find that in your My Games under Documents (Windows 7 anyways)


Change it from "1" to "0"


That should make turning around much smoother feeling in game, and make the menus less annoying too. :)

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Try disabling vertical sync in the SkyrimPrefs.ini file. Just add iPresentInterval=0 under [Display]. If you already did this, try re-enabling vertical sync, and see how it affects game performance.


If you use Nvidia, try forcing vsync on/off in the Nvidia control panel's Skyrim profile.

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