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I surrender! - An actual yield.


An Actual Yield  

143 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you agree?

  2. 2. If Yes, What should come of it?

    • Reward - Septims, Items, Locations etc
    • Enemy --> Neutral
    • Enemy --> Friendly
    • Enemy --> Available Companion (Special Cases)

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  • 4 months later...




Here are two to choose from, in case one doesn't work. I find that Mercy is easier to use than True Yield as you don't have to enter anything in the console. Btw, I only read the first and last page, so if the topic has moved away from the OP, sorry for not noticing.

Edited by Rennn
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  • 5 months later...
  • 7 months later...

First step, make sure that followers accept yields, so far they ALWAYS kill them for me.


Any offical non monster bounties should be able to complete with taking the target prisoner and "bringing them in". Tell the Jarls steward that they guards have the perp in custody instead of claming to have killed them. Some people should know that there is no way that the law are going to let them live, and thus they would fight to the death, other would figure they can do the time or pay their fines. Random bandits should be "sellable" to the holds guards regardless of pre posted bounty.


Non offical bounties are always for the kill thou, there is a reason why people are hiring mercenaries on their own rather then getting the local law enforcement to do it. If a bandit have bought of the law, bringing them in would be pointless. However, accepting yields and "bringing them in" on a quest to recover something they stolen should be ok. That kaijith guard only wanted his amulet back, he didn't ask us to kill the bandits.


For extra fun, dissalow fast travel when dragging prisoners.

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This is a good idea, but the more options added, the script hevier it will get. Perhaps splitting the mod into two sections, one for a basic yield, and another that expands into the radiant quest, followers, etc.

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I'd love to see this... Some NPC's should still have the false surrender though... particularly bandits... it stands to reason that a bandit might attempt to lure you into a false sense of security by pretending to surrender and then stab you in the back.

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