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Provisioner Guards


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Would be cool to see an option to add one or two guards to follow my provisioners. The trade caravans have them, so why can't mine? Would be extra cool if they walked along with their weapons drawn. This would be cosmetic more than anything, but I could see it adding to a settlement's defense rating as well.

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  • 5 months later...

Searched to see if anyone had requested this before. I would LOVE to see a mod that does this. Far from being cosmetic though, I think it would be super helpful especially for provisioners that have to travel by danger spots like Quincy. Don't think I'd bother with routes like Sanctuary to Red Rocket (just for an lol example) but, yeah, for other routes a 2 or 3 person provisioner caravan, decked out in heavy armor and tricked out weapons, would be a force to be reckoned with. I equip my provisioners with pretty wicked gear, but they can get swarmed pretty easy in some places. Would be way more fun stumbling upon/ helping out with provisioner firefights too.

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You do know that humanoid provisoners are flagged as essential right? They can't be killed by anyone except you. I use'em as free XP, they wander the wasteland clearing out all the notorious respawn points for me, and generate XP as they do it :D And well of course I help them out if I'm passing by, I'm not a total ogre :P ... sheesh.


Robot provisioners can be destroyed however. (AFAIK)

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Yeah, I know that. (Same with regular caravan guards.) Still, like around Quincy, or between Greentop and the Slog where that assaultron hangs out (to name a couple locations) he/she can spend a lot of time on their butt having had their health depleted. That's why I equip them with nice gear and don't just leave them with rags and a pipe pistol. Plus, especially with CCA that imports working lights on combat armor (or mining) helmets I think provisioner caravans would look really cool.

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Well... wow. That looks perfect, even allows for holding a weapon when not in combat like a guard would. Thanks!


Edit: Yup, Create Followers is perfect for creating provisioner guards. Played with it for a few hours now and works like a charm. Super easy and you can equip the guards with whatever equipment you want. A little thing, but I just love the setting that has them hold their weapons constantly.

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