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Everything posted by joemitchell320

  1. The fuel is for the flamethrower I'd assume, robots run on fusion cores.
  2. This mod perhaps? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/30013 It has a Raider Temptress and Commonwealth Seductress. It is not a Raider Overhaul armor. Also, crashes when you put on the armor are usually a missing/broken mesh or material file, so it may need to be rebuilt in outfit studio or reinstalled.
  3. 2nd post has your answer, it's a lot of work and they don't do it. Requesting an account closure and sign back up with a new name is currently the only way.
  4. this may help https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/195785-what-is-the-problem-with-sync-euexebid/
  5. known issue, currently no fix, check the cbbe page for more info.
  6. only F4SE mods are version dependent, so as long as you keep your F4SE mods the same version as your F4SE, you should be good.
  7. If you are running an older version of FO4, then use the older version of F4SE. Each version of F4SE only works with its specific FO4 version. If you let Steam update your Fallout 4, then it should be on 1.9 something, and the F4SE version for that is 3.0, i believe. http://f4se.silverlock.org/ is where you'd get any updates needed for F4SE
  8. Also, I just made a shortcut to f4se_loader.exe and that's what I use to start the game, that way I don't have to worry with opening NMM if I don't need to change a load order or install anything.
  9. If I remember correctly, PE comes with a place.ini.example, which is a 'default' ini file. To make that one work, you just need to rename it to remove the .example part. In the section labeled [keys], any key that is bound with 0x7 is effectively unbound or disabled (0x7 is a null type of keycode) the ones that are bound to keys and not disabled would look something like [keys] ;snap = 0x70 ;ground = 0x71 ;workshopSnap = 0x72 ;outlineToggle = 0x73 ;extraOutlineToggle = 0x2D If you want to change them from default, you'd need to remove the ; at the beginning of the line. The main mod file should come with a place.ini.help.txt, found in the same folder as the ini file, and it has a good explanation of almost everything you'd need. You are also running an old version of f4se and the mod, what version of falllout 4 are you running?
  10. Just like RedRocketTV said, make sure your F4SE is good to go, and make sure you are starting fallout 4 with F4SE_Loader.exe (or have NMM set to start f4se for you). Also, that ini you screencapped is the one that has all of the hotkeys disabled.
  11. nexus downloads are PC only, consoles must go through bethesda.net
  12. free speech is protection of speech between a government and its people. This is a privately held website, and the owner's rule is law.
  13. Since Garvey's voice actor is male, the only way you'd be able to change the voice would be to have a female voice actress re-record all of Garvey's dialog.
  14. It's the official bethesda exporter that only works with 3dsmax 2013. The havok content tools that are floating around work with many different versions of 3ds max.
  15. Steam does maintenance on Tuesday evenings, so it could have been that they had some extra issues that disconnected users. It's usually just the match-making and some game services that are down, but they've had some kersplosions on maintenance night before. If that wasn't it, try restarting steam, make sure it's connected, and try to run the official launcher once (then close the game and start with f4se_loader as normal). If steam isn't open or connected (not connected isn't the same as offline mode in this instance) then F4SE will open the vanilla game launcher instead.
  16. Given the amount of vitriol the misinformed users heaped on him in the comments section before he hid it, I would not be surprised if a1 just decided to take a long break to get away from the hate. I certainly wouldn't fault him for it, as the average fallout 4 mod user behaves only slightly better than the average youtube commenter.
  17. The 1.9.4 patch and the high resolution texture pack are separate entities. You can get the patch without the texture pack. Otherwise, there is an archive link on the silverlock page
  18. is 1.9.4. Just like it says on the f4se page, ignore everything beyond the first 3. http://f4se.silverlock.org/
  19. If you downloaded it from a Nexus site, it is likely either a false positive or you already have something shady creeping around in your machine. Nexus runs every file through a comprehensive virus scan and I'd wager that it's quite a bit more thorough than current iterations of AVG. Also, Alexa.51 is not a new virus, so the odds of it getting by a Nexus scan are virtually nil. With my past experience with AVG, I'd say it's a false positive. Look for online virus scans like virustotal or some such, upload the file, and let it check it and perhaps that will ease your worries.
  20. traveling with an automatron companion that has the regeneration field?
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