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My horse is more heroic than I am


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So I got Frost, but now that I have a horse I just have more problems. Whenever you fast travel he comes with you which is great, but if I go somewhere like Valtheim Keep my horse storms the battlements. This is especially bad at places like... Valtheim Keep where there is a bridge over land that isn't really made for a horse so instead he falls off and dies. I don't suppose anyone has a way around having your horse do crazy things like charge dragons and charge up keep steps?
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I had Frost early on in the game.. for about one day. Never found out what happened to him but seeing he was charging giants, trolls and dragons like no tommorow I'm guessing he's in horse heaven now.



maybe this works?


Confidence - Sets chance an npc will flee from combat, settings go from 0 up to 4 (4 makes them foolhardy and 0 makes them always flee, 1 will make them likely to flee when they are hurt or their allies die) only takes effect after an npc has the "resetai" command used on it, so if you want an npc to stop attacking and flee you "setav confidence 0" then with the same npc selected type "resetai"
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I had the same problem at Valtheim Keep, with Alfsigr. I got frustrated after a few reloads and rode her down the road a bit; left her there. She didn't come to attack, thus not falling off and dying. Also, I mount my horses before fast traveling so that when I arrive at my destination I am already mounted rather than standing next to them (allowing time for them to run off).


I've been doing that most of the time since then. Hopefully there will be a mod for horses to stay put sooner or later.

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I love my horse!


I stand there, planning out how I am going to take out the 5 Bandit Marauders.

I get ready to charge, draw my sword ..... And my horse runs in and died, leaving 5 angry bandits chasing me.

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I have the same problem with Shadowmere... but he tanks dragons and hasnt die yet >.>

this is a good thing,.. being able to tank dragons... but its so immersive breaking that i want to kill the horse beast myself and be done with it!

oh yeah, I <3 shadowmere


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