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FPS Drops Indoors but system isn't maxed out


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This is really bugging me.


In certain interior environments I'm getting 10-20 fps drops. For example I get it in the Repconn Facility (above ground portion) and Vault 34. I'm getting a totally locked 60 fps everywhere else. I'm running heavily modded and using the Rudy ENB with the 4GB patch and NVSR. However monitoring my system it's not even close to maxed out. My CPU never goes above 70% utilization and my video card never above 40% (I'm running a GTX 1070). VRAM usage is 2.1GB max, well under the 4GB limit.


I assume a mod is the culprit because it doesn't happen running vanilla unmodded even with the ENB. But I've got over 100+ plugins and I've tried disabling large swaths of them with little to no effect (including all texture mods).


My best guess is that there is some kind of scripting backup that all the processing power in the world can't push through. Maybe something to do with enemies or AI since both of the above locations feature a large concentration of ghouls?


Has anyone else encountered this and have an idea of what could be the culprit?


Also worth mentioning- I'm using Mod Organizer and followed the instructions from the STEP guide for ini tweaks, etc.

Edited by kmgrey1
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It has to do with the number of objects that your processor has to process. The graphics card can be the best available and won't make much of a difference.


Reduce the draw distances to the minimum.

Disable weapon debris

There are mods that remove objects, such as Insignificant Object Remover

You can also disable the particles and fog, which might help.

You may be able to improve things by tweaking a few settings and disabling things. Such as disable any unnecessary background processes and programs. AMD processors are known to have limitations with how it processes this stuff.


Test in-game after each tweak.

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It sounds more like a mod adds something to those locations that's not scripted very well, or just adds a tonne of objects. You could try looking in FNVEdit see which mods edit the cells. If you find one that's common to the areas where you have issues, that'll likely be the culprit. Edited by PushTheWinButton
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It sounds more like a mod adds something to those locations that's not scripted very well, or just adds a tonne of objects. You could try looking in FNVEditto see which mods edit the cells. If you find one that's common to the areas where you have issues, that'll likely be the culprit.

That's a really good idea. Is there a console command to find what the cell reference is?

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