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Skyrim Audiobooks


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Loosing intrest in a project is normal, it usualy happens to me aswell, as I usualy start imposible to complete projects.


I am currently working on "the project that can not be named". My contribution is about creating new base audio / lip sync files for all voice lines from the game, Morrowind, to be used in Oblivion or even Skyrim.


The work I do is Computer-Generated-Voiced-Dialogue. The SkyBook project is very simmilar to what I do now. If I manage to get a Book Data base ready for audio file rendering, then I could render all audio files in 1 day.


This project can then use my files as a base for the SkyBoot project. and replace the files provide with better ones ( which include real voice acting ) in the future. All I ask is to receive a script that works in Oblivion and makes a book activate a audio file when opend. I will then start working on the books from Morrowind, Oblivion & Skyrim.



Edited by sjors boomschors
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I'm tempted to start a fresh topic to better explain the requirements of the project but I'm afraid of too few volunteers. I even have a draft typed up just in case.


The problem first hurdle of this project is the requirement for volunteers with voice-ready equipment. With smaller mods like Interesting NPCs can understandably garner the necessary talent. Skybook, however, worries me. Anyways. I can't take over as the project because I have no experience with the Creation Kit. I would have to rely on others to format the files and I can't justify demanding that kind of work.

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honestly the issue was with noone controlling this and getting things going thwere was quite a few people making recordings half of them got actually put on the list to be used the other half got ignored noone was actively posting to structure this mod and get people in gear if you start something like this its a good idea to keep coming back daily and posting to talk with people to get things going saying yer gonna do something making a quick vid for it on you tube are great but if you cant follow thru and work with people to get it done your just wasting my time.
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honestly the issue was with noone controlling this and getting things going thwere was quite a few people making recordings half of them got actually put on the list to be used the other half got ignored noone was actively posting to structure this mod and get people in gear if you start something like this its a good idea to keep coming back daily and posting to talk with people to get things going saying yer gonna do something making a quick vid for it on you tube are great but if you cant follow thru and work with people to get it done your just wasting my time.


I'm sorry if I'm experimenting with the CK and working on a way to get this to work in a favorable way. No modders have stepped forward and the voice acting talents have slowly moved on to other projects while I'm trying to figure this out alone. Again, I'm sorry if my failure is wasting your time.

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1. I've been doing voice acting for various mods I play with from time to time. I use a logitech basic-as-can be headset, enunciate, and use audacity noise removal, and it sounds pretty great (other than my voice not being a voice actors voice). Does there need to be tons of equipment involved? I'm asking in case you want to make that a selling point of contributing. If a regular mic and a bit of audacity cleaning(it's free, and easy for basic stuff) can make it reasonable, that part is easy.


2. I have been seeing stuff about long audio files not loading up well in skyrim. I don't know if it would affect a file converted to .xwm(the compression skyrim uses), they were only using .wavs. Anyways, the only two lengths reported were three minutes, and five seconds /facepalm the three minutes didn't work, the five seconds did.


Moral of the story for point #2: If skyrim is giving you errors about your sound files, fear not, just ask for help there are plenty of possible work arounds. Skyrim is picky about the sample rate too. That's only a concern for a person finalizing the audio though. Search around for answers on that.

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1. I've been doing voice acting for various mods I play with from time to time. I use a logitech basic-as-can be headset, enunciate, and use audacity noise removal, and it sounds pretty great (other than my voice not being a voice actors voice). Does there need to be tons of equipment involved? I'm asking in case you want to make that a selling point of contributing. If a regular mic and a bit of audacity cleaning(it's free, and easy for basic stuff) can make it reasonable, that part is easy.


IMO that is sufficient for this project. Decent microphone recording followed by noise removal and possibly volume normalization and/or dynamic range compression. If we get enough recorded perhaps one of the professional audio engineers lurking on this thread will have a go at doing some more expert cleanup of the recordings.


Of course if we ever manage to get Patrick Stewart or Morgan Freeman to read the books, we might like to replace our non-pro recordings, but failing that, as long as it sounds clean and clear I think it's gonna be great.

Edited by joelpt
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Hey everyone, I'm an amateur voice actor and I'm putting out a series of audiobook-style recordings of Elder Scrolls books. I don't know how interest in this mod has progressed but I figured you all would be interested in my work. I've put them into a YouTube playlist on my channel:



Based on the response I've gotten so far, I'd say my current YouTube subscriber base isn't made up of a lot of Skyrim gamers. So I need more exposure to people like you guys!


Roy Kelly

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