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Well I know this was said before but still:


This is something real thats happening and its not new...


Every canon Fallout game other then 3 was released prematurely and came with a Pandora's box worth of bugs before patches. Its caused by marketing screwing over the dev team this happens a lot more then youd think(Anyone remember halo 2?) it usually isnt too much of a problem.


However recently there has been a change so instead of just marketing constraints the gaming companies have started to rely on initial buying rush and pre-orders through the use of hype. Internet Marketing is another market that sees this same thing happen and its vastly more common. However a well made product(whether MLM or game) will always make more money then a hyped up crappy one. Hopefully the gaming industry will figure this out sooner rather then later.


And I agree in general its a stupid concept to push these cool release dates.

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However recently there has been a change so instead of just marketing constraints the gaming companies have started to rely on initial buying rush and pre-orders through the use of hype. Internet Marketing is another market that sees this same thing happen and its vastly more common. However a well made product(whether MLM or game) will always make more money then a hyped up crappy one. Hopefully the gaming industry will figure this out sooner rather then later.


And I agree in general its a stupid concept to push these cool release dates.


I guess at least Bioware - or rather EA - got the message with DAII. The sales weren't that exciting after all, and metcritic users rated the game about 4.2. But that was a fudamental screwup with alienating the fans of the series without generating enough new ones to close the gap. That was really deserving the title of dumbed down pushbutton fest.


But the general issue doesn't lie with the marketing department but with the brass of the gaming companies. In most cases there's a mother company, where suits and not developers run the show. These are only interested in short term return on investments, to appease the shareholders and to secure their own bonus checks.


Now, again, I wouldn't say, Skyrim is fundamentaly bugged. Its one of the better games being released these days. But still. One can see, that there have been pushes for early release.

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