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How is this guys game even alive


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I found this guy in my recommended in youtube look at this his game looks really sexy and look at his mod list




1k Quality Snow Hd
360 Walk and Run Plus
4k parallax high hrothgar
6 mudcrabs for automatic variants
83willows 101bugsHD
a Better Bucket
A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map with Roads
Action Combat
Alternate Start-Live another Life
Alternate Summoning Visuals
Amazing Follower Tweaks
aMidianborn Blades Armor
aMidianborn Bonemold Armor
aMidianborn Book of Silence-Armors,Creatures,DragonbornDLC,Unique Items,Weapons
aMidianborn Caves and Mines
aMidianborn Dwarven Armor
aMidianborn Ebony armor
aMidianborn Ebonymail Armor
aMidianborn Glass Armor
aMidianborn Helm of Yngol
aMidianborn Hide and Studded Hide
aMidianborn Iron and Banded Armor
aMidianborn Nordic Carved
aMidianborn Orcish Armor
aMidianborn Scaled Armor
aMidianborn Steel Armor
aMidianborn Steel Plate Armor
aMidianborn stormcloak officer armor
aMidianborn Tsun
aMidianborn Whiterun
aMidianborn wolf armor and skyrforge weapons
Animated Clutter
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim
Arcadias Mystical Cauldron
Ash Pile Retex
ASIS inis
Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2
Aurora and Twilight Followers
Auto Unequip Ammo
Automatic Variants
Automatic Variants for Critters
B-D-Y-E-B Sheild Mod
Bandolier Bags and Pouches
Bandolier Dawnguard
Barenziah's Glory
Baskets and Woven Decoratives UHD
BDYEB Dual Sheath Redux Patch
Be a Milk Drinker
Belethors Overrated Goods
Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack
Bellyaches Animals AV Package
Bellyaches HD Dragon Replacer Pack
Belt-Fastened Quivers
Benjamin318s Tents
Benjamin318s Automatic Variants
Better Beast Races
Better Circlets
Better Fast Travel
Bijin NPCs
Bijin Warmaidens
Bijin Wives
Bloodstone Chalice Reborn
Book Covers Skyrim
Book Covers Lost Library
Breezehome Lolicept Edition
Business Ledger HD Retex
By request disable aspen leaves, pine needles
Castle Volkihar HD Retex
Climates of Tamriel
Cloaks of Skyrim
CM Bark
Colorful Magic
Combat Evolved
Companions and Followers
Convenient Horses
Covered Carriages
Cultist HD Retex
Custom Level Up Music
Customizable Camera
Deadly Combat
Deadly Dragons
Deadly Spell Impacts
Deadshrub Natural
Death Hound HD
Deathbell HD
Designs of the Nords
Detailing the Eldrich Temple of Miraak
Detailing the Eldrich Reikling Architecture
DFB Random Encounters
Difficult Archery
Display Cases and Plaques UHD
DJZ Cooking Pots
Dragon Animation Replace
Dragon Aspect Enhancement
Dragon Glyphs HD
Dragon Priest by Kajuan
Dragonbone Ebonsteel Armor
Draugr by Kajuan
Dread Knight Weapon Set
Dual Sheath Redux
Duke Patricks Skyrim Friction Fix
Dwemer Automatic Variants
Dwemer Metal Retex
Earth and Moon Hi Res
Elysium Estate
Embers HD
Enemy AI Overhaul Revenge of the Enemies
Enhanced Blood Textures
Enhanced HD Dragon Bones
Enhanced Wetness and Puddles
Etheral Clouds
EWI's enhanced Sovngarde
EWI's soulcairn
Extended UI
Faendal replacer
Farmers sell Produce
Feminine Running and New Dash
Fences of Skyrim
Flame and Frost Attronach textures for Automatic Variants
Follower Commentary Overhaul
Follower Room V2
Fores New Idles
Forgotten Magic Redone
Giant by Kajuan
Grace Darklings Automatic Variants
Guard Dialogue Overhaul
Hagraven by Kajuan
Haven Bag
HD argonian mouth
HD Baskets
HD Charcoal for Smelter
HD Chest Retex
HD Clutter reTextures
HD Dark Brotherhood door
HD detailed terrain
HD horn candles
HD linens
HD Misc
HD Murals
HD Sacks
HD Urns
Height Adjusted Races with True Giants
High Definition Ivy
High Hrothgar Overhaul
High Level Enemies
High Quality Food and Ingredients
Hold Border Banners
Honey Pot
IHSS Improved horse step sounds
Immersive Animations
Immersive Armors
Immersive College of Winterhold
Immersive Fallen Trees
Immersive HUD
Immersive Patrols
Immersive Sounds Compendium
Immersive Spells and Light
Improved Closedfaced Helmets
Incosequential NPCS
Insanity Sorrow AV package
Jaxonz positioner
Jaxonz Real Names
Jeclxohko alchemy table
Jeclxohko Enchanter table
Jens HD Inkwell and Quill
Jens HD Instruments
Jewels of the Nord
JK'S Skyrim
Joy of Ships
Knapsack retex
Lanterns of Skyrim
LeanWolf's Better Shaped Weapons
Less Intrusive HUD II
Linds black robes
Linds necromancer robes
Linds brown robes
Linds court wizard robes
Linds grey wizard robes
Linds green wizard robes
Linds Monk robes
Linds red wizard robes
Little Things
Lock Overhaul
Lock Overhaul for PerMa
Luminescent Luna Moths
Lunari Warriors
Magic Runes HD
Main Font Replacement
Males of Skyrim
Manhole of Solitude
Markarth white cityh
More dramatic Alduin retex
More Salt Please
My Home is Your Home
Natural Grass Texture Floor
Natural Maple retes
New Animation for Magic Casting
New Bedding
Nightingale Prime
Nightingale WEapons Retex
No bethesda Intro
No Combat Music
No menu and loading smoke
No NPC Greetings
Northfires dirtcliffs
Northfires Skidmarks
Not Really HD Claws
Not Really HD Mask of Clavicus Vile
NPC Smarter Water AI
NPCs Protected Redux
People are Strangers
Perkus Maximus
PerMa Compatibility Patches
Perma Gold
Perseids Inns and Taverns basic
Phinix RND Milk
Point the Way
Pondfish and Salmon Replacer
Populated Dungeons Caves Ruins
Populated Forts Towers Places
Porschas AV Package skeletons
Project Flintlock Rifle
Proper Torch Wield
Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons HD
Radiant Rainment Overhaul
Real Roads for Skyrim
Real Shelter
Real Wood Textures Farmhouses
Realistic HD Food
Realistic HD Ingots
Realistic HD Misc
Realistic HD Mushrooms
Realistic HD Ores
Realistic HD Pickaxe
Realistic HD Woodcutters Axe
Realistic Husky Sounds
Realistic Lighting Overhaul
Realistic Needs and Diseases
Realistic Ragdolls
Realistic Smoke and Embers
Realistic Water Two
Realistic Water Two steam fix
Realistic Water Two enb textures
Realistic wolf howls
Realvision ENB
Rens HD Shrines
Retex for Be a milk drinkers
Retex for soup rnd
Retex for the Scroll
Riverwood Trader Overhaul
Ruins Clutter Improved
Rustic Children
Rustic Clothing
Rustic Cooking Station
Rustic East Empire Company Signage
Rustic Monuments and Tombstones
Rustic Oven
Rustic Pottery
Rustic Soulgems
Rustic Standing Stones
Rustic windows
Seductive Lips HD
Septim HD
Sexy Boats
Simple Actions
Skall Clothes HD revival
Skeleton by Kajuan
SKSE ini for lazy users
Sky City markarth rising
Skyfalls and skymills
skyfix unique inn signs
Skyrim enhanced camera
Skyrim Community Uncapper
Skyrim Flora Overhaul
Skyrim HD
Skyrim Immersive Creatures
Skyrim Particle Patch
Skyrim Subsurface Scattering Patch
Skyrim Weapon DeLarpification
Skysight hi res pillow
Skysight smelter ultra hd
smile in hd
smoking candles
smoking torches
snowberry natural retex
snowgrass retex
Solitude Dome Paintings
Sounaipr AV package
Stable ugrids
StarX AV packages
Storms AV package
Stunning Statues of Skyrim
Superior Lore Friendly Hair
Superior Silverware
Tamriel Reloaded Mountains
The beauty of skyrim caves and mines
The beauty of skyrim dungeons
The Bosmeric Drunken Huntsman 2.0
The Real Warmaidens
The Ruffled Feather
Thicket retex natural
Theives Guild Armor HD
Thistle retex
Tobes Highres textures
Trade and Barter
Transparent Glass armor
Transparent icecicle and Atronach
Treasure maps of skyrim
Troll by kajuan
True elk of skyirm
tundrashrub retex
Ultimate HD Fire
Ultimate HD torch
Ultra realistic bow shoot sounds
ultraHD stormcloak and city guards
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
Vandr Presents Hd falmer pod
Vandr Presents HD spider nest
Verdant a Skyrim Grass Plugin
Wilkas and Farkas by Netherwalk
Virtus Imperii Imperial gear remastered
Weapons and Armor Fixes Remade
Wet and Cold
Whiterun Dragonsreach HD wood carvings
Winter is Coming
Wispmother by kajuan
Wolverines AV packs alienslof,ichibu,ironman5000,zira,multiple authors
WSCO Windsong Skyrim Character Overhaul
XP32 Maximum Skeleton
You Hunger
YY Anim Replacer

Load Order
# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm
You Hunger.esp
Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp
JKs Skyrim.esp
Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.esp
Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp
Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
Book Covers Skyrim.esp
Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp
FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.esp
Rebirth Monster.esp
Scarcity - Less Loot Mod.esp
SkyFalls + SkyMills + DG + DB.esp
Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp
AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp
Differently Ebony.esp
DFB - Random Encounters.esp
NPCs Protected Redux.esp
Immersive Weapons.esp
Point The Way.esp
SkyFalls + SkyMills Wyrmstooth.esp
SkyFalls Dragonborn Small waterfalls.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Wyrmstooth.esp
iWil_Arcadias Shop.esp
BFT Ships and Carriages.esp
Inconsequential NPCs.esp
High Level Enemies.esp
Populated Dungeons Caves Ruins for USKP.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp
Populated Forts Towers Places.esp
SFO - Dragonborn.esp
Immersive Followers.esp
Immersive Patrols II.esp
Farmers Sell Produce - Skyrim.esp
Book Covers Skyrim - Lost Library.esp
Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp
Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin.esp
RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Wyrmstooth.esp
high hrothgar overhaul.esp
Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp
PerMa Expansion 1 - Wintermyst.esp
Pre PaMa SiC Patch.esp
Pre PaMa CCF Wintermyst Patch.esp
WetandCold - Ashes.esp
Unique Uniques.esp
Customizable Camera.esp
Height Adjusted Races with True Giants.esp
Real Roads.esp
Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp
RLO - Major City Exteriors - No Guard Torches.esp
RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Unsorted.esp
Better Dynamic Snow.esp
Smoking Candles.esp
Smoking Torches.esp
Dual Sheath Redux.esp
Pyromage - TheGreyLight.esp
Rebirth Monster - SIC Patch.esp
AOS2_CoTWP Patch.esp
AOS2_DD Patch.esp
AOS2_DSI Patch.esp
Combat Evolved - Core.esp
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
dD-DG-DB-Immersive Creatures EBT Patch.esp
AOS2_EBT Patch.esp
AOS2_GDO Patch.esp
AOS2_RealisticWaterTwo Patch.esp
AOS2_Unique Uniques Patch.esp
DJZ Cooking Pots.esp
My Home Is Your Home.esp
Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp
Auto Unequip Ammo.esp
BCS - PERMA Patch EN.esp
Bijin NPCs.esp
Bijin Warmaidens.esp
Bijin Wives.esp
Males of Skyrim.esp
CCF_Revenge of Enemies_Patch.esp
Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
Action Combat.esp
Combat Evolved - Damage.esp
Combat Evolved - Magic and Spells.esp
Combat Evolved - Stealth.esp
Convenient Horses.esp
Dragonborn HD Ultra.esp
Dread Knight Weapon Set.esp
Duke Patricks - Skyrim Friction Fix.esp
Extended UI.esp
ForgottenMagic_Redone_PerMa Patch.esp
Ghosu - Project Flintlock - Ammo Addon.esp
Ghosu - Project Flintlock.esp
High Level Enemies - Dawnguard.esp
High Level Enemies - Dragonborn.esp
ISC PerMa Compatibility Patch.esp
ISCompendium AOS Patch.esp
ISCompendium Enhanced Blood Patch.esp
Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - RLO.esp
Lock Overhaul.esp
Luminescent Luna Moths - 101BugsHD LowRes.esp
More Salt Please.esp
NPCs Protected Redux - iqNPC.esp
No Combat Music GMST.esp
PerMa_USLEEP master patch.esp
PerMa_USKP master patch.esp
Radiant and Unique Potions Poisons and BOOZE.esp
Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.esp
Scarcity - 8x Loot Rarity.esp
Scarcity - 8x Merchant Item Rarity.esp
WSCO - Better NPCs.esp
Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.esp
Treasure Maps of Skyrim.esp
WSCO - OcciFemaleVNL.esp
Wyrmstooth - PerMa Patch.esp
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp
Pre PaMa WAFR Patch.esp
Bashed Patch, 0.esp
Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp
Automatic Variants.esp
Perma Gold.esp

Ok, mod load order list from mod organizer, keep in mind, this isnt totally set in stone for me, each time
I rebuild this build, some mods leave, some update, some new enter, but not during a lets play. I do sometimes
run into mods being overwriten that shouldnt be, and I correct those on the fly if its safe to do so.



This guys game is really strong i dont understand what does he do to it. He has 2k graphics a lot of FPS and its stable.

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yeah i watch some of his videos but my game looks better if you ask me :tongue:. Anyway you have everything, install all of his mods (use Mod organizer it will make it easier) and his ENB (i'm not sure about what preset he is using) and you should be done anyway you will need to understand how to install some of them and select the right resolution like don't install a 2k texture for a tomato and never go over 2k in general.

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The guy making that Let's Play said he play tested that mod setup over a year to get it all working as well as it does. That's what he said in a comment on the most recent vid in the playlist you shared. It takes a lot of patience. Not really sure I would ever put that much time in just to make mods work on a game.

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Well my load order right now has more plugins than his (a good portion of them are the same) and i have around 500 mods active. The game runs smoothly but it needs far more GPU power then his pack because i used only 4k textures and i play in 2560x1440.

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Hmm will you mind sending me some screenshots next time you're playing i want to see how you game looks in may 4 years of playing this game (yes im still s#*! at modding) i took my first screenshot :D look (Yes i know i dont have 25k texture mods i have like 3 or 4 2k texture mods. I can add more but i kinda dont like to because i might f*#@ my game up and for some reason the enb im using isnt noticeable)

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Btw i took them with fraps so thats way they dont look so good.


It's not the video quality that doesn't look great, it's the lightning, textures quality and flora mods.


Yeah, but that comes from someone who has 1200 file entries in Mod Organizer... I think I've tested every single decent texture mod out there.




Hmm will you mind sending me some screenshots next time you're playing i want to see how you game looks in may 4 years of playing this game (yes im still s*** at modding) i took my first screenshot :D look (Yes i know i dont have 25k texture mods i have like 3 or 4 2k texture mods. I can add more but i kinda dont like to because i might f*** my game up and for some reason the enb im using isnt noticeable)


You want a quick fix?





NobleSkyrimMod HD

Project Parallax Revived for NobleSkyrimMod HD

Tree replacer (SFO no grass.esp / Enhanced Vanilla Trees / David Trees -pick one)

Verdant Grass Plugin

Skyrim HD Tribute

Vivid Landscapes AIO

aMidianBorn Book of Silence

Rustic Clothes by Gamwich

Rugnarok by Gamwich

HalkHogan HD mods



fence Skyrim complete 3D by Renthal311

Skyrim Landscape Overhaul - Stone Walls by Xenophobe3 + New texture for Skyrim Landscape Overhaul Stone Walls by PandoraTremere

(get the optional file for Whiterun rubble stonewalls)





Good ENB and weather mod choice:



Edited by BlackRoseOfThorns
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yeah i watch some of his videos but my game looks better if you ask me :tongue:. Anyway you have everything, install all of his mods (use Mod organizer it will make it easier) and his ENB (i'm not sure about what preset he is using) and you should be done anyway you will need to understand how to install some of them and select the right resolution like don't install a 2k texture for a tomato and never go over 2k in general.

yeah but i've put more than a year into this (3 years) and still strugle. so what point are you trying to prove? if i could have all the time i spent on this back and never play skyrim again i would take my time back and ditch skyrim and every TES game ever made forever. thousands of hours of my life for nothing is just obviously not worth it.


since i cannot have my time back (such is the material world) i'm roughing it out. 3 years of modding later i have a game that doesn't crash though it's not quite what i want it to be. i've had to leave out mods i want and include ones i don't want and most of all i've spent OVER 1000 hours modding skyrim and never had a successful complete playthough.


but to the OP, project 579 makes a good and vital point. don't think it's nothing to get a stable fully modded game going. this dude spent way too much time getting that game going for a normal player to want to spend. if you're a mod maker or youtuber trying to get followers or something maybe it's worth it, but if you're a gamer just trying to play a game it's not. Skyrim can still be worth it, but manage your expectations.

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yeah i watch some of his videos but my game looks better if you ask me :tongue:. Anyway you have everything, install all of his mods (use Mod organizer it will make it easier) and his ENB (i'm not sure about what preset he is using) and you should be done anyway you will need to understand how to install some of them and select the right resolution like don't install a 2k texture for a tomato and never go over 2k in general.

yeah but i've put more than a year into this (3 years) and still strugle. so what point are you trying to prove? if i could have all the time i spent on this back and never play skyrim again i would take my time back and ditch skyrim and every TES game ever made forever. thousands of hours of my life for nothing is just obviously not worth it.


since i cannot have my time back (such is the material world) i'm roughing it out. 3 years of modding later i have a game that doesn't crash though it's not quite what i want it to be. i've had to leave out mods i want and include ones i don't want and most of all i've spent OVER 1000 hours modding skyrim and never had a successful complete playthough.


but to the OP, project 579 makes a good and vital point. don't think it's nothing to get a stable fully modded game going. this dude spent way too much time getting that game going for a normal player to want to spend. if you're a mod maker or youtuber trying to get followers or something maybe it's worth it, but if you're a gamer just trying to play a game it's not. Skyrim can still be worth it, but manage your expectations.


I spend a lot of time making mod packs nearly 6 months for every one of them but i actually don't really like to play what i really like is modding but when i do play a get my character to at least Lvl 80+.

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You like to mod i like to fix my game (not really its always broken).




Btw BlackRoseOfThorn thanks for showing me some mods i have 2k ground textures and nobel skyrim i just don't have good rock and grass but i don't really like the grass mods. They look to fake for me. I only add little grass mods. For example if you know mxr he has this really green grass i really don't like that i would rather have no grass in my game.




EDIT: I'm not using SLO- Stone walls last time i used it my game didn't start.

Edited by Luka25565
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