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How is this guys game even alive


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Doesn't really matter. If you got SKSE from a reliable source, like the website itself, or here, you're fine. I run mine as administrator. I usually run all trusted programs as administrator to avoid running into issues and having to do it later. It's safe, you're fine. I'd let it run as administrator at all times just in case.

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edit: where does he say he uses x99 or four 1080s? He uses a pretty mid(?)-range spec'ed computer.



edit: if you want to view my rambling on why the x99 isn't worth it or your time, and why four 1080s isnt either:




x99 really isnt any more special than a motherboard that cost 100 less. Hell, you could even have a "super computer" with a 100 dollar motherboard.

Furthermore, the i7 X series is way overpriced. The price to power ratio is far beyond what it should be.


Take this from someone who knows what they are talking about.


Especially since, a 1,000 dollar build can run just as well if not better than a 3,500 dollar build, if you know what you're doing, and take into account that newer tech is generally overpriced, if it's deemed "top of the line".


I mean, if you have thousands of dollars to waste, why not waste it on the top of the line stuff? Or, wait until the companies realize there's no more idiots left buying their product, then they lower the price so others will buy it, then its a reasonable buy, with the power/price ratios.


Also, running more than two GPU's shouldn't be done by anyone who isn't tech-savvy. Even running two GPU's gives people issues. Also, running more than one, you can't even utilize the full potential of the second, and can't even utilize the potential of the third or fourth. Yes it will give you crazy amounts of gaming power, but it's not worth it lol.


Just be happy with what you do have :tongue:


If you want any build recommendations, I can piece together a computer with your budget, whatever it is, and I guarantee you'll be satisfied. It's not hard to build a computer, no, but to selectively choose parts that work synergistically together.......ah I'm rambling again. Sorry.


But if you want to give me a budget, I'll pick out the parts, send you the list, and go from there




Edited by NerevarII
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Wait what are we agreeing to disagree on? Haha jw. And I wish I had a single 1080 lol, I can only imagine how smooth your gameplay must be with 2, I'm rocking with a Gigabyte R9 380x right now though. Get's the job done but when I start streaming and doing doing mod coverage I'm going to want a 1080, which is well more than enough for that.


I'm just interested to see how AMD is going to try and beat the 1080. The Fury's/Nano's are/were nice, but in terms of competition, only for 4k gaming. They got beat by the 980 or 980Ti, I think, for lower resolutions. I like the number of lanes AMD uses, but I feel like they went about it the wrong way :/


What CPU do you use?

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