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How is this guys game even alive


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If you want a second opinion, consider running the program Speccy to get the full details on what is inside your PC and maybe take a picture of the internals and share that information either here, or a somewhere else like the reddit board buildapc or TomsHardware and see what they think.


If you are going to post here, you'll want to go post in the correct board.


Hardware and Software Discussion:









Tom's Hardware Forum:



Imgur (for posting/sharing pics of your PC):


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It's really simple man. Go find the card you want to buy, and look at it's dimensions. Then, grab a tape measure or ruler and check to see if it will fit inside your case.

Check to see which PCIe slot it is, (the HD's are PCIe 2.0 I believe) and make sure that's what your motherboard has. I'm sure it does, PCI/PCIe 1.0 is very, very old, you most likely have PCIe 2.0.


I'm assuming you're playing on a monitor, but I'd recommend the GTX 1060 or Rx 480 around black friday, if you're going to upgrade. Both are already cheap, but they'll be cheaper then.


If you have any questions, feel free to PM me and I'll guide you step by step. I've been building, breaking, fixing, ect, computers for years, since I was a wee lit'le lad. I won't steer you wrong.


No offense to DaddyDirection, but what he said to do is just making it more complicated than it has to be.


Seriously, no offense.

Edited by NerevarII
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No offense to DaddyDirection, but what he said to do is just making it more complicated than it has to be.


Seriously, no offense.


None taken. I only added the extra steps because he wasn't sure if it would work at all. I wanted to give him the chance to look around himself, and hopefully, learn more about this stuff while doing it.

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