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Help with follower dialogue please.


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I'm trying to make it so followers will have their inventory available when not following. I found the quest that couvers all that and tried copying the conditions from the "follow me" command for every follower but it didn't work.

What am I doing wrong? Any ideas?

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Actor.OpenInventory() is a function that will allow you to open the inventory of the Actor just as if it were a container. The description reads that this is similar to pickpockets, so I don't know if it will flag items removed as stolen or not. I am using it with a pack mule mod I am working on and it works great for that, however, the mule doesn't have anything in inventory that it owns at the beginning. I use it in a Topic Info Fragment:




I put the prompt to be something descriptive (for me it is simply "Search Packs"). I put "..." as the response and set the response to be a Goodbye response.


If I were putting this in a dialog for a dismissed follower, I would be something like "I would like to trade with you." and the response something along the lines of "Certainly, what do you want to trade?", again ensure that the response is set to goodbye. I have found challenges leaving dialog open when in various menus.

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May I suggest that you use a chests instead, I do.

I create a little cell Storage Cell, for Follower Horse, X HomeMarker & Three Chest for Extra Inventory

Then I Created a Script Function on the MyFollowerDailogueQuest


Scriptname MyFollowerDailogueQuestScript Extends Quest


ObjectReference Property _Poup_ExtraStoreage Auto
ObjectReference Property _Poup_ExtraClothes Auto
ObjectReference Property _Poup_SellingJunk Auto

Function ExtraStoreage(Int nNumber)

If(nNumber == 0)
_Poup_ExtraStoreage.Activate(PlayerREF) ; Player
ElseIf(nNumber == 1)
_Poup_ExtraClothes.Activate(PlayerREF) ; Follower
_Poup_SellingJunk.Activate(PlayerREF) ; Junk


Link Script Property Values to the Chests in the Storage Cell


As Dialogue Script Fragments use 1 at a time of course


(GetOwningQuest() as MyFollowerDailogueQuestScript).ExtraStorage(0) ; Player stuff


(GetOwningQuest() as MyFollowerDailogueQuestScript).ExtraStorage(1) ; Follower stuff


(GetOwningQuest() as MyFollowerDailogueQuestScript).ExtraStorage(2) ; Selling Junk


Have Fun Creating the Cell, Ah what the Hell

Pick a little Cell & Duplicated it.


In my Dailogue it was(Roughly)

  • Show me Extra Storage
  1. open # 1
  2. open # 2
  3. open # 3

And it Not their Inventory so they won't wear It, Armor that is.

it work like opening a Chest cuz it is a Chest.


Don't Thank Me Til You Get It Working then PM me



:pirate: :cool:


For Dialogue Conditions

Just to give you a idea

If you use them incorrectly it will INVALIDATE the Dialogue

GetID ==Follower_CK_ID

GetPlayerTeamate == 1

GetPlayerTeamate == 0

GetInFaction(CurrentFollowerFaction) ==0

GetInFaction(CurrentFollowerFaction) ==1

More Dialogue Conditions



In Case You Don't Know

0 == false

1 == TRUE


So the Code is the same just the Dialogue Conditions Change



Edited by PeterMartyr
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Function OpenInventory(bool abForceOpen = false) native


  • abForceOpen: Whether to force open the inventory if the actor isn't the player's teammate.
    • Default: False



>????<replace with akSpeaker

Edited by PeterMartyr
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