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Game crashes after main menu without fail.


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So I'm looking to replay FNV and I decided to get a bunch of mods this time. I added about 15-20 mods, went in, loaded up a game and was able to run it well. A few days later I added another 15-20 mods, but this time the game crashes before loading the game. I've tried adjusting the mod order, verifying game cache (where it says there's a file missing every time), disabling all the mods and plugins, and even deleting and redownloading New Vegas, but it does the same thing every time. Is there any way to fix this?


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On that one "missing file" when you validate the game cache, it's normal for most Steam games to do that. The files that fail to verify are local configuration files that should not be replaced as part of the process. You can safely ignore that message. As for your problem, have you run LOOT? If not, you should. Also, it may sound super boring (and it can be sometimes) but you really should only install one or two mods at a time. This way you can boot up your game and make sure it still works, and if it doesn't you'll know why. It's a lot easier to track down mistakes that way.




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Sounds like a "Missing Master" issue. The link explains it and how to identify which mod is missing the master. Sometimes it is as easy as sorting. I also recommend LOOT. The "load and test" one mod at a time is sound advice as well. You might want to read the "FNV General Mod Use Advice" wiki article about some other pitfalls to watch out for before you really get into the game.



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