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I strongly defend my right as a U.S. citizen of legal age to watch blood and brains spill across the floor in graphic detail on the afternoon cop shows, while simultaneously objecting to violence of video games, which are clearly the ruin of the younger generation. This is why you see so many of them on websites like this one instead of out knocking the daylights out of each other as I did when I was that age. I consider it an offence to my religion and probably my country to show the upper torso of a female without at least three layers of clothing, but I confess to being utterly clueless as to why so many of my fellow citizens have s#xual hang-ups and must spend millions of dollars on pills to correct them.


(If you don't know me, its probably just as well, hypocrites unite)


(If you do know me, you also know that this is the lowest form of humor according to the Dark0ne, Sarcasm, however used to shine a light on painful truths)




Please, don't report me! It will only encourage me that someone somewhere is listening.



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Winsom-it's wisdom where everybody wins.

Anyhow, I do miss the 90s flicks where you can be as gory as you want, although the new Rambo is pretty intense.....particularly the heavy machine gun scene. But that's a topic for a different forum. What ever happened to that wisdom anyways?

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What ever happened to that wisdom anyways?

People = Stupid

Nowadays, if someone is watching TV and sees an ad for a movie that they'll probably hate, they say, "I should watch that." Then, after they watch it and hate it, they complain that it was terrible.

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Ah, I see.


But that still doesn't explain why everybody feels the need to take it to the next level. Just boycott things you don't like. I mean, if you don't like a brand of tea, you simply don't buy that brand of tea, you don't go off and reenact the Boston Tea Party!

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Well, while I agree that people tend to overreact, there is a difference between tea and graphic violence/nudity. No one really cares about tea. You don't get offended by public tea-drinking, do you? On the other hand, many peoples belief systems disagree with graphic violence and nudity. Not trying to start a debate, just pointing out a fact.
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Nah, you're looking at it all wrong:

Tea is a product.

Videogames are a product.

There are multiple varieties of tea.

There are multiple varieties of videogames.

Different teas appeal to people with different tastes.

Different videogames appeal to people with different tastes.


It's a viable metaphor.

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Yes, that does seem to be the problem.

Although with the rise of mature videogames, you think people would've figured that out. I mean, some games are designed for adults in ways other than their mature content. Take the first God of War for example. There are 3 reasons God of War isn't meant for little kids:

1)The blood and gore content

2)The sexual content

3)The gameplay

That game has some pretty tricky puzzles in it, and I'm pretty sure some of them a little kid could never figure out. They even stumped me for a few times. Navigating the environments takes a little brains. Combat requires fast thinking as well as fast fingers. Even if it wasn't for the adult content, a little kid just couldn't play GoW well. Other games, with both ten and mature ratings, are becoming more like this, more playable to an adult mindset. Probably the only reason our friend Jack Thompson hasn't figured this out is because he doesn't play himself.

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Nah, my analogy is still intact. Tea is for people who like tea. But some teas aren't for everybody. Only certain people buy these teas.


Damn, maybe I should have used alcohol in my analogy......ok, I will.


Let's say everybody in the world drinks tea, but not the same tea. Inevitably, some people will sell spiked tea that little kids won't be able to drink. However, these people will spike teas that had flavors only an adult could appreciate.


That's what I'm saying: Adult content is usually found in games that only an adult could enjoy anyways.

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