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Spiked tea? :huh: Never seen that...

Personally, I think that the government should do next to nothing about games. They've done all they need to by adding a Mature rating to the games. If a parent is too stupid or simply doesn't care, it's the parent's fault not the government, not the game maker, the parent. It's not the government's job to babysit our youth; it's not the government's job to do the parents' work! That's the kind of country we live in. We live in a free democratic republic, not fascism, not socialism. These parents need to get off their lazy asses and do their own job.

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Well, I'm done, I agree with Ninja, and I suppose your analogy is intact. Oh well, maybe one day people will not make judgements without seeing both sides of the story. :D Of course, that won't happen, but one can dream, right? :P
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Now I thought my last post on this thread was pretty funny. But no reaction, not even a ripple, I am hurt, wounded beyond repair, etcetra, etcetra. Well I guess I just have to sit in a dark room, alone, and all by myself, only to cry myself to sleep.



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If you look closely, they are ever so slightly different. That is the only thing keeping him alive... :ninja:

Just kidding! I don't care if anyone uses my sig or one similar. The point of my sig it to spread the word of Cthulhu around, make sure people vote for the best choice on election day.



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