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Being evil has no consequences


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Even when I am evil like a dark brotherhood person, I don't get infamous nor do I have any consequences for being evil.... I can O! tra-la-la-lally here down in the valley and just waltz into the town and buy supplies, flirt with the menfolk, and not get any kind of change from when I am a good character.... the worse they'll do is comment on me being in the dark brotherhood...
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Haven't joined them but it was that way in oblivion. :whistling: only time you got noticed as someone like that is when you got the Gray Fox " thieves guild " master helmet. other than that you are an avg person.
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sure there is change! as you walk by a guard

"psst,... hey you,... hail sithis! haha"



that was it... :wallbash:


EDIT: Bethesda doesnt like to punish its players... which is odd, cause a Daedric prince doesn't behave as he/she should in oblivion or Skyrim. And that stands out even more than the lack of reaction from being in the dark brotherhood.

Edited by El`derina
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As someone else said in other thread its too easy to get into any of the guilds and in my opinion it isnt becouse they want to make it easy for you but if they would be class locked, the game would suffer from generic quests...becouse beth strictly follows the line of said guilds adding bigger quests to them, while other quests suffer from being generic without any depth.


Thats why you never feel the consequences of beeing good or evil, becouse the guild/any quests arent there for that purpose, but to fill up your time.

Edited by pavy
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I wonder how difficult it would be to simulate what wearing the Gray Fox's cowl did in Oblivion within Skyrim. Say for instance you are the Guildmaster of the Thieves guild and you walk into a town wearing it. Shouldn't the people around you be wary of you, if not down right scared? Shouldn't the guards not balls deep in your pockets attempt to arrest you for running such a large crime organization? I remember when people used to comment on your chosen apparel, such as when you would wear rather expensive heavy armor and a common fellow or lass would pass the word about how you had to have quite the coin in order to afford such gallant armor. What would their reactions even be like? If you approach someone in the Nightingale armor, should they cower in fear or leap to their feet? According to stories in game, the Nightingales were largely associated with children's stories and legends, so if one were to openly wear the garb shouldn't there be some form of recognition other than the default stares and idle comments?


I at least think that it is a heavily missed portion of the game. Another thing I miss is the comments on your skill. If you were a heavy weapon specialist and you had a high skill working with them you would get comments about the size of your arm or something similar. The immersion lost is too blatant in my eyes. Any old Dick or Jane will treat you the same for wearing your initial starting clothes as they would if you wore full Daedric or some Leader's clothes.



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Was it really better when everyone in Cyrodiil could somehow sense your karmatic deep plunge whenever you did something unpleasant..? I remember carrying out a few Dark Brotherhood-assassinations. Noone saw me, noone could have had any clue that mild-mannered Do'Mraaj the Troll Hunter was involved in a few murders that, honestly, weren't exactly Black Horse Curier material. And still, everyone would greet me with a "Leave me be, you loathsome filth!", because of that damn infamy-meter.


If it worked like in Fable, where your character grows uglier the more crimes he commit, that could work. But really, in Oblivion it just further drove the point that all citizens of Cyrodiil are gifted with psychic powers, and observes you. And frankly, a good villain wouldn't leave any witnesses behind, and would rather be aiming at remaining anonymous at all cost.

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You have a point there, it was always strange that they knew exactly what you've done, no matter how well you covered it up. There is a witness system in place now though, so if someone witnesses a crime being committed then I suppose word could get around about you doing it. If you kill all the witnesses however... (Which is why essential characters piss me off at times. Damn children watching me kill their parents and me not being able to do anything about it in the Vanilla game)
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