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Are there any mods that can set handicaps to play?


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I'm looking for a mod that would help me handicap the gameplay to my liking, something that I usually have to do voluntarily like for example not being able to pick up guns for melee only build or not having a certain item in the game like limiting stimpacks. Maybe not allowing stimpacs too close to each other etc etc. Is there anything like that? I'm also currently downloading the creation kit, is that something that could be done through it?

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Really? It's not doable with the creation kit? There is no function that's called every time I pick up an item? There is no way to make weapons of certain class invisible? So what exactly can a creation kit do? Does it allow actual coding or am I just limited to importing models?

I did not say it's not doable. I said easily doable.


First, how do you let the game know your only melee, or ranged build?

As you don't have to spend a single perk point to play. No one would recommend it, but it is possable to play this without them.


Second, then you have to edit every single weapon it such a way as to recognize one play style. Edit the leveled list to not drop the opposite play style. Edit every NPC to use the same play style as you, since the weapon they are using against you, is what drops from them, and so on.


What your describing is change the mechanics of how the game works.



Modifying one item like stimpacks would be easy, and when playing survival mode. Stimpacks do some what work the way you describe. You heal very slow, and does not matter how many you use.

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Really? It's not doable with the creation kit? There is no function that's called every time I pick up an item? There is no way to make weapons of certain class invisible? So what exactly can a creation kit do? Does it allow actual coding or am I just limited to importing models?

I did not say it's not doable. I said easily doable.


First, how do you let the game know your only melee, or ranged build?

As you don't have to spend a single perk point to play. No one would recommend it, but it is possable to play this without them.


Second, then you have to edit every single weapon it such a way as to recognize one play style. Edit the leveled list to not drop the opposite play style. Edit every NPC to use the same play style as you, since the weapon they are using against you, is what drops from them, and so on.


What your describing is change the mechanics of how the game works.



Modifying one item like stimpacks would be easy, and when playing survival mode. Stimpacks do some what work the way you describe. You heal very slow, and does not matter how many you use.


What I was thinking is just have a menu in the pip boy that lets you check and uncheck stuff, it would be very low level, so just uncheck guns and no gun can be picked up, or uncheck ammo and no ammo can be picked up. There would be no other high level checks perfomed, so you can turn it on and off anytime. It wouldn't be like a whole thing that only lets you play melee and monitors every aspect of it like what style you chose based on perks, just simple checks.


I'm not too familar with it, but doesn't a weapon already have a class? Like aren't all melee weapons have a specific id that identifies them as melee? So when an item is added to inventory it'd be just a check like if not melee don't add. Again it doesn't have to be so pervasive, I'm not looking for a catch all solution. I don't mind there being guns everywhere and enemies using them or dropping them, it's just for my convinience, I don't pick up guns buy I don't have time to scroll throw their inventory avoiding guns and ammo when I'm in a middle of a gun fight I just want to press X to get everything, but things that I don't need won't be added. It should be a very simple and low level thing.


But if I understand you correctly and weapons are not already classified, then it would be a hassle, but I'm a little hopeful that they are as it would be a really dumb game design to not have some sort of an internal weapon class for melee and long range.

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In some ways weapons are classed by type, but they also have their own unique ID number.


I am no expert on this, but when I edit items, ammo for example, I do change the drop rate a little bit. I have to edit each, and everyone there is.


For the most part I no longer pick up weapons, and armor unless it has a legendary on it.

Edited by bill8872
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