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The only person stopping yourself from being happy, IS YOU


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If you are reading this, you are beautiful.


Corny? Probably. BUT WHO CARES :smile:


If you're reading this, it's probably a sign. Probably not. Who cares. I'm starting this thread to try and spread some positivity. With all of the negativity in this world, and all of the horrible things going on, why not try and make the best of it?


Just drop a simple line "If you're reading this...." followed by something positive. Or, just type something nice you'd think someone would like to read.


You'd be surprised how much power words hold. You'd also be surprised how this simple gesture, has helped so many people. I've seen it, I've done it, others have too, and with success. Even prevented a few suicides.


And a little advice:


Ultimately, only you, yes you, only you can control how you feel about something, how you feel in general. At the end of the day, it's YOU who decides how you want to feel. Yeah, yeah, it's easier said than done, I've heard it before.....and you know what I realized? Those who don't try, those who don't want to be happy, will not be happy. You have to want it. I can't explain this in a way that many can understand, right now, but, literally, every single person on this planet, is capable of achieving anything. Our minds are very powerful. You just have to figure yourself out, figure out what external influences are having hold over you, and realize, YOU are the one who's in control. Nobody else controls you or how you feel.


Literally, every, single, person, on this planet, is capable of great things. It's up to YOU, whether or not you'll take advantage of that head of yours. Take advantage of your potential. I can't explain it right now, but everyone has it. Even with "genetics" or "psychological disorders"......everyone can do it.


Not going to put my business out there but......I've been through some s***. You wouldn't believe half of it even if I told you. Things so horrible that make living in a third world country look okay. Things so horrible that give rise to my firm belief that evil truly does exist. If I can do it, if others can do it, so can you.

Edited by NerevarII
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Haha I like that, and thank you! But no need to worry after almost 23 years if I haven't given up yet I never will. But this isn't about me, it's about others. I'm just hoping someone who needs to see this, will see it.


So, to continue with the flow here:




If you're reading this, your life matters to someone.

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Now for something i came up with.


If you're reading this, even the darkest days are brighter then you realise. Do not let the gloom that has befallen you this day control tomorrow or the next day. Leave it behind but remember to learn from it so as to not repeat it.





If you're reading this, give someone else a reason to smile and they will give another a reason to smile. In time inevitably someone will give you a reason to smile.

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Excellent, thanks for adding to this!


If you're reading this, whenever you find yourself looking down, look up, look straight forward. You'd be surprised what a simple change in head position can do for you. Stand straight, stand tall, for changing your body's position will also encourage you to be strong.

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