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RPG Personality Quiz


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I did two of the tests before, and redid only one of them(because one of them is flawed at its core).

I redid the RPG Personalilty Test and it's been so long that I actually forgot what my stock answers were to get Necromancer. I usually get Necromancer. I think I got Warlock once.



I can't do the Color Test in good faith as I end up getting Red when I know that I am Red/Blue.


And for the DnD character test(Which seems to be for core 3.5ed) I got my staple character. A Neutral Good Human Sorcerer. Stats are wonky, though. My dump stat seems to be Cha which makes zero sense for a sorcerer. You always make your primary stat your core stat if you only have one stat.

Stats stand at:

STR 13

DEX 17

CON 15

INT 15

WIS 16

CHA 11


Ideal would be:

STR 11

DEX 15

CON 16

INT 13

WIS 15

CHA 17


At least in my books. Not that I often use the 45-pointbuy option much, just that I know that one aims to have your primary stat at 17 with a racial bonus to lined up to make it 19. But as I know more about 3.5 ed DnD then most DMs in my home town, I make Min Max characters without screwing up my stats. So a "endgame" character by me has Min only on things that really don't matter to me, and Max on things that make my character able to kill Pun Pun. Or whatever elder evil we are up against.


Did a post preview: Huh, guess some things never change. I almost always get Necromancer. I don't even pick the slow painful magic bit because it's slow and painful, I pick it because it's still hostile, but is more creative then throwing more mana/spells at your foe to beat them. That, and Necromancy typically included Curses, which make my other spells more likely to kill you, for example. I'll do it one more time before finishing this post and change that one answer to fireballs.



Plus it's more fun to make it slow but not painful. Then they can still fight you and try to beat you, which would remove the effect, basically.




Bah, change one answer and you go from super evil to super not-like-me. I was more happy with Necromancer.

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