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climb trees


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i like the idea of hunting and stealth in this game. i think that stalking your prey or foe in the woods, jumping from tree to tree would be awesome. especially if you are a werewolf like i.also it would be awesome if someone if you can change npc AI to being scared shitless and paranoid when notices that hes not alone. think batman archam city. when badies were picked off one by one and the remaining ones shot aimlessly at the dark or at every single thing out of the corner of their eye. when you get close enough you can finish him off quickly and jump back into trees. it would be nice if someone could created brand new killing blows with this.also this mod needs a thicker forest mod. i saw a request for this in this forum somewhere. put all of this into a single mod called ''skyrim predator'' or something.


this would probably the best mod in my opinion

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