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SKSE "Bad Image" errors on startup


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starting up Skyrim (SKSE) and basically all the .dll 's in the SKSE plugins folder are suddenly "not designed to run on Windows or contains an error"


if i ignore the errors there's a 50/50 chance the game will run after a while or CTD, but none of affected mods work (like Quick Loot, HDT hair etc)


things were playing fine yesterday, only thing i can think of is there was a windows update and restart in the middle of the night (damn windows 10 i wish they would let me handle updates myself)

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Is it possible for you to contact SKSE team.


But First Reinstall It Using the Installer to Eliminate User Error


Read web page carefully.

& make sure you do exactly what they say.




& be 110% sure it a SKSE issue, before you bother them

they deserve better than to be pestered unnecessary

Good Luck

Edited by PeterMartyr
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