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I don't know why but whenever i use MO my game crashes


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So i started using MO and installed some big texture mods. I click new game after 30 seconds i crash. I uninstalled all the mods still crashing. I don't know what to do or how to fix this.



Load order (note its made by loot haven't had the time to fix it)



Btw i don't use crash fixes if that mod helps i will try get it working again.

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3.Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp




7.Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp

Why are you not using USLEEP?

Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp is made to be used with USLEEP

Edited by Project579
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I will see all the incompatible mods with USLEEP now


RnD (dont know if i have the latest version) my patches merged mod, wafer reproccer patch






edit: why is USLEEP so important btw?

Edited by Luka25565
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Update i got crash fixes i guess i got a ctd after using being 2 mins in skyrim because i reached the 512 limit. My game now look too good. I can't even believe it. It's crazy. How can i check the Memory Block Log through MO? And should i use the SKSE patch rather than the crash fixes patch.

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The Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch (USLEP) is important because it is the most current version of the Unofficial Patches. It replaces the old USKP patches, and, many newer mods will point to USLEP and its changes rather than the old USKP and its changes. If you don't use USLEP, then don't use mods that require it. Also, if you insist on using the USKP instead of USLEP at least use all of the USKP patches (you're missing two of them, three if you use the Official HD DLC).

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That has been established. I know you have the DLC's, I can see them in your load order. Re-install them and put in the patches so you have all of the USKP changes. That or just delete all of the USKP stuff and get USLEP instead. That is my suggestion.

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