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Modlist for Survival


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lower shotgun damage by 20%
lower the others by 10%
lower the pistol by 20% or 10% as you see fit
shotgun damage needs to be lowered about 20%
more or less fine
these are weapons mods, but I think it's safe to say that weaponry is a little bit simplistic in what you have access to in fallout 4
it's technically balanced in its way, but it's not that great
probably should boost the hunting rifle damage up to about 44-50 from 37
and the pipe revolver to about 34, and the pipe bolt action to about 38
well these are my thoughts, but I've found bolt-action rifles to be a little lame usually, I have fun playing with them but they're nowhere near the competitiveness in firefights to semi or auto weapons unless you're spot on with the headshots


loot overhaul, that's what I wanted to link to someone else's question about similar things, yeah
this'll make things an experience

Edited by tartarsauce2
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I will post my modlist when I have access to it later, but to make some mods work I had to use Fo4edit to patch them and play nicely with each other.

For example I have a mod that adds more plants to be places and harvested, like aster, tarberry and bloodleaf, but they rename items that Valdacil's classification touched, or to make plants work with Hardcore Food so that the item needed to plant another tato is a tato seed, not a tato. It changes leveled lists to make farming harder, not all tatos are good, you have the chance to get lower quality stuff etc.

So yeah many mods are nice for survival, immersion but they do not all play well together.

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